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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. Well the bees are doing very well and are quite strong now, i have put a super on and they are starting to store some honey up there so hopefully will at least get a taste this year I didnt get any luck with my two bait hives so am glad that i did invest in a nuc. I have been doing alot of research into bees as its quite addictive and got very interested in "top bar hives" you get less honey per hive but more wax as they build their own comb and it seems much more natural plus if you build your own hives its cheap as chips. this is my effort over a couple of rainy days when i didn
  2. Webley Raider 2.2 Thats a beast of a calibre
  3. with a good .22 air rifle you should if you are a good shot be able to shoot out to 50 yards, with a .410 you can just about half that, i have a s/s baikel .410 i use when ferreting i have had the odd "long shot" which i would say were about 30-40 yards but i think you could say just a lucky pellet. i used to have a rapid 7 .22 and my longest shot with that was around 60 odd paces head shot clean kill on a rabbit, a shot you would`nt consider with a .410, but with a .410 you can shoot running or flying things, something you cant do with an airgun. i would say every time a good air rifle h
  4. well i went through them again today after stopping feeding them on monday because i found a queen cell i think that even tho they hadnt filled the brood area all the feed i gave them made them think there was a honey flow on and so were preparing to swarm . i actually found the queen today and they have started work on more comb, all in all looking good .
  5. it can be very hard to get rural foxes into a cage you may have some luck with the young uns later on though, very different from urban fox that mostly go in no problem. if you shoot a fox or know some one who has try to get its scent on the trap if its never caught before as this can help.
  6. well done mate i think a beers in order
  7. Because we're percieved to be a rich western nation and it would be bad for us not send it. I say pull out of afghanistan ( the russians couldn't do anything there and we can't either) stop the foreign aid close our shores to immigrants and let us put our house in order WE SHOULD JUST SAY SORRY EVERYONE WE ARE BANKRUPT WE WILL HELP YOU AGAIN WHEN WE HAVE SORTED OURSELVES OUT . THE GOVERNMENT HASNT GOT THE BOLLOCKS TO DO THAT Firstly they need to get the benefit system sorted. Its totally wrong. couldnt agree more
  8. Because we're percieved to be a rich western nation and it would be bad for us not send it. I say pull out of afghanistan ( the russians couldn't do anything there and we can't either) stop the foreign aid close our shores to immigrants and let us put our house in order WE SHOULD JUST SAY SORRY EVERYONE WE ARE BANKRUPT WE WILL HELP YOU AGAIN WHEN WE HAVE SORTED OURSELVES OUT . THE GOVERNMENT HASNT GOT THE BOLLOCKS TO DO THAT
  9. i say dont pay it, tell them to feck off whoever them are what they going to do reposses all our tellys
  10. i could only see eggs on 2 frames they seem to be storing the syrup on the other 3, the breeder i got them off said i could feed them untill they have filled 10 frames but i dont know if this would be at the expense of brood. they are very busy, would you stop feeding now and leave them to it? This is all a learning curve for me.
  11. I went through the hive thismorning and i couldnt see the queen but there are eggs so shes there somewhere. They have only started to draw the comb on the 2 frames on each side of the nuc frames, but they have taken down a couple of litres of syrup and they look pretty busy with lots of flying and i can see the pollen on the leg baskets so hopefully the brood will grow over the next couple of weeks. i`m hoping they will be strong enough by july to put a super on and try to get a little honey but dont know if thats possible in the first year.
  12. At the moment they are just pets really but may try for some milk when i breed them (if i can bend down low enough ), they are also very popular at the moment as pets so i will sell on any that i dont keep myself, i dont know if pygmy`s would be worth doing for meat
  13. i decided to get some goats for the smallholding i have picked up two young nannys and a two year old billy (all are pygmy), i will hopefully breed from them next year. they are so friendly and have bar one escape where they eat some of my young trees been a joy to keep, but have only had them for just over a week so we will see. And a couple of my soay sheep and the 4 new lambs for this year, 3 ewes 1 wether
  14. I collected my nucleus of bees on sunday morning i was a little side tracked whilst putting them in their new home so only took a couple of pics but will put more up as they expand I got a second hive for my birthday which was sunday but i was given it before so i could get it assembled and it is now out in the back garden as a bait hive to try and catch a swarm, i also have the nucleus box with 5 frames in my dads back garden as a bait hive so am hoping i will get lucky. the new bees went in with no trouble at all and were so calm i could`nt believe it, i put
  15. trapperman


    your avatar is sending me insain
  16. my dad had a jackdaw when he was a kid said it was a spot on bird well tame all the stories about it made me want one so when i was about 10 or 11 i went looking for one first thing i found was a rookery so i climbed right up a big f#ck off tree and got a fledgling out of the nest took it home and kept it in the shed for about a month it got really tame so i got a bit cocky and walked out one day with it on my shoulder....................... f#cker flew straight off and never came back
  17. more great photos john, i`m getting itchy feet now cant wait to get my nucleus should be ready in a week or so, i`ve also ordered a second hive for my b`day end of week and hope to get a swarm for that one. keep the pics comming there great
  18. great photos john are you keeping them for yourself.
  19. he hasnt been shot hes just been to the joke shop and got one of those fake ones to get in the paper, something to tell his mates down the pier on a friday night
  20. Mccoys tai sweet chilli
  21. I have been thinking of trying one of these for a while (another string to my bow) but was supprised just now when i was looking at ordering one as they seem to have doubled in price i`m sure they were only £50 when they first got past for use here they now seem to be around the £100 mark, my first words when i saw this "F#CK ME" Why is this they will lose alot of sales i`m sure at that price, i`m thinking more than twice at that price .
  22. as stubby says you need to be trained to use aluminium phosphide and you need to show you have been trained in order to buy it ie a copy of your certificate with a written order saying what you are using it for aswell. so without training your uncle wont be able to get the stuff to do the job a training day for phosphine is only about £75 i did mine with essex environmental they run day courses quite often all over the country. but gassing is`nt cheap about £25/tub plus vat plus special delivery plus application equipment, i think some snarings in order much cheaper.
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