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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. i get my nets from jbs nets online
  2. had about a foot here now and its still comming down
  3. You hoping to do it twice then mate. Lol .
  4. Just a few light flurrys here nothing to speak of, but am hoping the wife will have a good 7" when she gets home .
  5. To stop being fit and healthy and start drinking and smoking more and perhaps cheat on the wife , but just going to take it slow one thing at a time .
  6. mine is one in a million to thank f##k i wouldnt want to think to many others have to put up with the shit i do .
  7. Well when we had the snow a week or so ago i saw some fox prints around my chicken pen, i then saw a fox in amongst my sheep last thursday, i have lost over 40 chickens in the last 2 years to fox but have since penned them in instead of letting them free range about my holding. I have just built back up to around 20 hens and am not going to just feed foxes with them so i set a couple of wires around the pen (from trapworks) and got the bugger today, the funny thing was the chickens had got out because he had pulled at the mesh once caught and they were just sat all around him within 5-6 fe
  8. i`ve got a y reg hilux double cab and as above its never let me down.
  9. if you do a search you will find some amature use smoke generaters, just a few quid each and should work o.k on cluster flies.
  10. how much do they cost to fit? although i dont think anyone would be after my old y reg hilux .
  11. what about a suzuki carry, i only say this as they have them round the corner from me only about 7k new 1.3 petrol, van or pickup could be a good little run around.
  12. doctor in gynecology, or towel holder at an all girls school .
  13. The limit has been raised too 20 postcodes, on both sites! sorry john didnt mean to moan, just pissed off with myself that i didnt get in quick enough I think the site looks great and if it works aswell for people as the wasp control site then all the better. .
  14. Just signed up but a little disappointed as you are supposed to be limitad to 6 post codes and someone in my area has almost the whole of oxfordshire with 20 post codes :icon_eek:not really giving anyone else a chance, but managed to get a couple not far from me, but i did do well on the wasp control website so i cant moan i suppose .
  15. i got my sgc at 15 but that was 21 years ago i dont know if its changed, but i think my dad had to be with me when i got my first gun (not on his sgc but just to accompany me i think). cant see any reason why you shouldnt get it if you have a reason, if you dont have permission yet just join a clay pigeon club .
  16. wife has 1 cat son and daughter had 1 rat each but 1 died last week 21 light sussex chickens left after a couple of visits from the fox 8 geese 3 ferrets 9 sheep with hopfully 9 lambs next spring 3 goats with hopfully a couple of kids next spring 2 pigs (in the freezer) and about 50000 bees but i carnt remember all there names
  17. They get quieter the more you put through them, it might quieten yet more after another 100 or so. I love mine, and use it for all my shooting, i dont like wearing ear defenders and also dont want to go deaf .....that was the main reason i bought it. Do you clean the mod?, i have to take mine off to get it in the cabinet and lots of crap comes out when i take it off but i dont wipe it down i just put a little oil on the threads.
  18. I brought a baikel stealth hushpower a couple of weeks ago, i got it purely for dispatch of cage caught foxes as this is what was reconmended by my fao, i have put over 100 carts through it now of various types and the eley subsonics are the quietest i think. I`m afraid i am going to disagree with most and say its far louder than any air gun i`ve ever fired and i`ve had loads of airguns over the years, i`m sure i may use it now and again for other things than fox dispatch as it is quieter than my unmoderated .410 but for rabbiting i would use the rimmy every time if i can.
  19. most under 12s use their knives for mugging old ladies these days.
  20. Wait a f****n minute....... that was me dancin waiting for my toasties getting ready!!! You`ve got a cracking arse.
  21. Nice website trapperman. She's done a sterling job Cheers mate she will have a big head later............................if i`m lucky
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