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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. trapperman


    Have you seen the film “the faculty” ?
  2. Took the words out my mouth greyman ??
  3. Weed never killed anyone, safer than alcohol and smoking tobacco anything can be abused even to much water will kill you the odd smoke of pure weed or use a vape I think is safe as
  4. Anyone keep them ? ive had all sorts of chickens, bantams ducks and geese over the years but only got the geese now as they look after themselves ive heard that guinea fowl will basically look after themselves is this true ? Apparently they will roost and not use a chicken shed ? just fancy something to go with the geese but want low maintenance stuff these days any advice appreciated theres some keets not to far from me for £8.50 each
  5. Bet he dips his wings in petrol
  6. I think it takes a couple years for it to get working proper but he says just use fertilisers if needed when you first start it I like it cause I don’t have running water down the holding only what I can collect off my shacks and field shelter I have enough ibcs for I think 11000 litres but that doesn’t last long in a heatwave I says once established he almost never has to water
  7. I stopped using liquid fertilisers a couple years ago now I just dig in some manure handful of organic chicken pellets handful of oyster shell a sprinkle of volcanic rock i grow in the same plot every year and mulch it with about 8-10” of leaves every autumn when there growing I use my own pee every 3rd watering 500ml to a 12lt can ? I know but look it up ? once every two weeks I give Epsom salts and bit of sea weed extract then just potash for flowering last couple years been the best buds I’ve ever grown ?
  8. I watched a thing called ‘back to Eden gardening’ bit of a long thing about 1h40mins but found it quite interesting it’s no dig based on Woodchips, I’m going to do part my veg patch with it in autumn
  9. The back gardens been a bit of a hole since the kids had rabbits and stuff been nice to finally get it sorted, doing it cottage garden style wild flowers and herbs etc with some fruit and veg here and there Built a pergola thing out of my own coppice from the holding, I’m no chippy but it turned out quite nice, rustic is what I call it that means I did it all by eye ? got a honeysuckle to grow up it
  10. I’ll have a look at the site ?
  11. I’ve done normal photos, autos and then I’ve got some semi auto seeds that did really well i haven’t done any super fast ones no, are they even quicker than the autos then ? had to order the auto mazar from DP it’s there best seller supposed to be good
  12. Dutch passion has auto mazar on offer 9 seeds for 29 euros
  13. Spent the day with my lad getting an outdoor gym started down the smallholding
  14. We shut our sweet shop on Saturday so my wife’s now not earning a penny ive got 12 hours a week on my largest garden contract where I’m in eight acres of gardens on my own, so I hope I can keep doing this, my hours will go to 20 from May if I get told not to do this then we have zero income so a bit worried going forward but similar to wilf I have a 4 acre smallholding so I’m spending all my spare time there, just extended the veg patch an extra 15mx7m if I can stop thinking about the money worries and if we’ll lose our shop etc then it’s actually really nice to be doing
  15. We’re closing our sweet and coffee shop tomorrow so we’re thinking of selling whats left in shop and store on internet so plenty cheap sweets soon if anybody interested
  16. I was looking at extra battery’s there about £80
  17. How long you find one battery lasts mate ?
  18. Yeah the one I had nicked was a sthil 181 with hand tension knob thing, pretty good saw im really just trying to way up if these battery ones are any good? i like the low noise thing I quite often coppice with hand tools just cause it’s nice to be quiet in the woods ill watch a few more utube vids I think before I decide
  19. How longs the battery last on those Micky ?
  20. I think I’ve seen them yeah ive got a multi long reach hedge cutter/long reach chain saw made by shindiawa had it about 15ish years still going strong it is ill look at their chainsaws ?
  21. So after my tools got nicked out my van a couple of weeks ago I’ve managed to get a very good condition hedge cutter off a mate but I’m looking at getting a new chainsaw i think I’ll go husqvarna as there cheaper than sthil I used to have a 135 it still works after about 20 years but the hand brake thing fell off so it’s a bit dangerous to use just wondering if anyone’s used the battery ones ? The husky 120i looks good and a fair price but other than that I was looking at the 435 ? Is it worth the extra £100 over the 135? Any advise thanks, it’s just for logging for myself a bit of
  22. Should be ok katchum ? i did a photo white widow but it went so mouldy I only got a few grams but was quite strong ?
  23. You can get semi autos aswell, they can do well
  24. I’ve done quite a few over the years, just for my own use i started with photos went to autos then back to photos now I’m going back to autos again I only grow a few outdoors uk in my experience the only photos that consistently get good yields are fresian dew and Durban poison others are ok but lots of mould probs later on the autos are getting better especially with global warming ? I get mine from Dutch passion mainly, good ones I’ve found are blue berry, euforia, night queen, what I find with autos is that they sometimes go a bit feathery they don’t always form
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