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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. Yes mate i used apiguard in the late summer aswell, and then oxalic acid during winter (mid jan) to knock them off when there is very little or no brood cells for them to hide in.
  2. This being only my second season, ive been really nervous but no there great. Trapperman, do you slide floors under your hives in the winter? Ive got veroa floors and i put slides in over the winter to keep them warm but on reflection i was wondering if they would have been better without?? ATB D No i leave the slide in floor out except when we had that really cold spell i put it in but upside down so there was a slight gap to allow a flow of air across the bottem and out the front. I had 2" of polystyrene and a fleese blanket on top as insulation, with no top ventilation.
  3. I supered mine today aswell they had already built back all the comb from crown board to tops of frames that i cleaned off last time and filled it with honey.
  4. Nice vid john, you handsome devil you .
  5. well i finaly got round to doing my first inspection, my bee thermometer said 21c in the full sun. I am well pleased they have come through the winter fantasticly, there is brood on 7 frames in all stages from eggs to capped there are 4 frames of stores some around the brood also and loads of pollen aswell . I took a couple of pics. Just taken the crown board off, there was some brace comb but not to much, i just scraped this off with the hive tool before putting back together. And some brood frames, i didnt see the queen but didnt want to take to long and the eg
  6. i`m hoping tomorrow is as good as it was here today i`ve got a bit of spare time and will have a quick look through them.
  7. Y didn;t say i was offering a service.(theres always one) £10 mate If you say an average job is 3 visits, i`m talking domestic jobs here, and you get 1 mole on the job thats £3.33 per visit . name one other trade, and thats what it is if its part of your living a trade, where a tradesman charges £3/visit, it wouldnt even cover my diesel. Milk man O.k smart ass lol
  8. my 4 acre smallholding is cleared for fac air.
  9. didn;t say i was offering a service.(theres always one) £10 mate If you say an average job is 3 visits, i`m talking domestic jobs here, and you get 1 mole on the job thats £3.33 per visit . name one other trade, and thats what it is if its part of your living a trade, where a tradesman charges £3/visit, it wouldnt even cover my diesel.
  10. This time next year i`m going to be a millionare .
  11. Nice video john, i put a kilo of neopoll on mine today and they were well busy bringing in the same colour pollen as yours bright orangey/yellow.
  12. Ha, He was 2 year old when i got him hes now 4 and i have been told that at this age an intact ram tastes shit. So just seeing if any other soay breeders might want him, if not then it will be to the local hunt with him .
  13. As title i have a soay ram that i have breed from for 2 years so need to get rid for some new blood he is 4 years old and does the job. only looking for £30.
  14. I attached eye bolts to my mk6, about £1 each from screwfix and you can smash them into the hardest ground with your hammer no probs, for mk4 i had a load of small threaded bar that i cut and welded into t bars about 8" long.
  15. sat and watched the girls today for a bit they were very active at 11 oclock. they seem to have come through the winter o.k but yet to do first inspection to check on her maj. i have only the one hive with bees but want to split them to get a couple more this year i have 1 new hive empty and will get a couple more ready soon i also now have 3 empty top bar hives waiting for if i get some swarm calls, i`m not to worried about honey this being only my second year i just want to get more hives going strong before next winter.
  16. £1.50 a mole you must catch alot of moles, that wouldnt even cover half my fuel on almost any local domestic job and unless you caught a minimum of say 100 moles even on a farm job you must struggle to even break even. The minimum i have ever charged is £10 a head and this was on a small farm about 50 acres i caught about 30 in a week with 3 visits so not to bad. If you catch hundreds a week like on moleys dvd then i can uderstand that price but the type of mole work i do is mostly under say 5 moles a job with the majority just 1 or 2. my prices are on my website, click my li
  17. just had a look and 100 half barrel are £324 the last time i brought 100 it was £286. still not bad tho really when you think how much that 100 traps can earn you over their lifetime.
  18. I want to plant some cider apple trees at my holding, just thinking to the future . anyone got ideas of good varietys and a fairly cheap place to order them from i`m looking at getting about a dozen.
  19. when i was 15 i went to majorca with a mate, one night i had 3 bottles of red wine (for some reason), spent the night sitting on the edge of the bath waiting for the next lot of puke :sick: anyway next morning i cleaned up all round the bog but couldnt understand way it still stunk in there, until i looked in the bath :cry: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: .
  20. The first thing i would do is shoot the wife, just incase.
  21. i used good quality kitchen towel, but it did take a while
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