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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. Done a couple over the last week not to active but still fairly high numbers, i`m usually done by mid november.
  2. Just make sure they have enough weight of stores, i fed odd bits of syrup 2:1 2lts at a time up untill a couple of weeks ago, with this late warm spell they seam to have used alot more, could be later brood rearing? I have now changed to fondant as its getting colder and will keep a slab on each through the winter just incase they get short. You can also insulate the top under the roof with kingspan or polystyrene or anything really, i have a couple of old fleese blankets on 2, poly on another and 1 with nothing but the crown board and roof, my 2 topbars also have nothing but i`m tempt
  3. I started with a complete top quality hive cost over £200 i think, but to be honest i have learnt to buy cheap seconds stuff in the sales it does the same job for less than half the price and the bees dont know the differance, its the way to go.
  4. I used a good quality kitchen roll, 1 piece lining a funnel, its slow but comes out very clear.
  5. How you guys with bees doing, had a good year? lots of honey? I`m feeding some that need it with 2:1 sugar syrup and fondant in the topbars all in all looking good. I`m going into winter with 6 hives 3 nationals on single brood 1 on double brood and 2 topbars as my 3rd was totaly cross combed and i couldnt get into it so i moved it from the top of one topbar to the other every few weeks to strenghen the other 2 topbars up, i will correct the now empty combs and put a swarm in it next spring. What you guys doing for varroa control?
  6. I`ve just ordered a load of gear from maismore apairys they have a sale on now its all new but its seconds quality, this isnt a problem tho just the odd knot or scratch etc and all well cheap supers about £13 brood bodys £18 50 frames £25 Have a look mate its about the best prices you will find.
  7. Get yourself a dr5 or a pa2, a quick 2 second blast and your out of there, i started with a dustik but soon changed i hardly use it now.
  8. funny i know but it does kind of piss me off a bit, not that i`m bitter or anything . Any advise on how to legally become a traveller .
  9. My holding isnt in anything, green belt or anob and it still didnt make any difference, i think each district council varys wildly. West oxon are a bunch of c#nts. Do you mind me asking what your dad did to get permission as i know how hard it is and they will only allow it if its for a business which has a big "need to be there" and then its only temperary for 3-5 years in which time the business needs to be proved viable to then be granted full permission. unless its for travellers.
  10. Me and the wife brought 4 acres about 6 years ago, put a plan together for a free range meat chicken farm so that we always had birds on heat to look after, and after a very long battle still got told no as they didnt want to set a pressident for this type of thing. And f##k me if 6 months later my wife found a retrospective application on some land not 2 miles away for 5 caravans and storage sheds which went straight through as traveller status with full permission . go figure. Lesson learned, you get nothing in this life and country from being honest. I have since planted even
  11. A few pics of mine, bred my first two kids this year, their quality
  12. Just checked and its kilgerm has the offer, buy 12 tubs get dr5 free. .
  13. I think essex environmental have an offer on, buy a certian number of ficam tubs and get dr5 free . And use a tyre inflator on it, much quicker.
  14. I think it depends on what you start with, i got a 5 frame nuc end of may last year and only got 1 small jar of honey to taste they spent there time building up, but a stronger nuc or a good year may well be different This year they just exploded i have split them 4 ways for new hives and have already extracted 25lbs of honey and now have another full super and a half So i would say realistically the second season .
  15. got my first swarm yesterday, which then went and threw a cast today, 2 virgin queens in it possibly? First swarm Todays cast
  16. I extracted my first full super today about 25lb of honey. I ordered a bees on a budget extracter kit from thornes its all plastic and only 2 frame but will do me for a couple of years. This is what its all about i suppose in the end, although i think i would keep them anyway even if i got no honey. Quite a sticky job it is.
  17. I`ve got my 3 topbar hives as bait hives and theres been bees in and out of them for weeks but no sign of swarms yet . Knowing my luck i`ll probly get wasps in them .
  18. I had my first little beekeeping hicup you could say . I came back from the beekeeping show and went through the bees (it had been about 10 days since my last inspection) i thought they had plenty of room because at the last inspection i added a second brood box and a second super, but no i found about 10-12 queen cells some of which were sealed i couldnt find the queen so i decided to split them and made up 2 nucs with queen cells. Checked them on friday and found old queen in one of the nucs ,anyway the old hive had 3 nice fat new queen cells so i divided the 2 broods with a que
  19. I think you may need a shovel as the hole your in is getting bigger lol. . .
  20. Anyone going to the beekeepers show at stoneleigh on saturday. I`m going along for the first time hoping to pick up some bargins if theres any left.
  21. The sheep are soay and the goats are pygmy The horns defo help when catching them up as soay are the greyhounds of the sheep world lol.
  22. Heres my latest, born today at 3pm a nice little ewe lamb this is the forth so far, 2 ewe lambs and twin ram lambs, i have 3 more to lamb 2 i think with singles and 1 with twins. About 15mins old. Also had a couple of nanny kids. And a few thousand baby bees lol. Its certainly that reproductive time of year.
  23. Just done my second inspection of the season and they were bursting at the seems, brood now on 9 frames and a fair amount of honey in the super. I decided it was a good time to go to double brood, so i put the new brood box full of foundation under the old brood so they can build down into it as they need more room. Brood in all stages, and so many bees i`m buggered if i could see the queen, getting a bit worried about being able to find her when i come to do a split later on. .
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