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Everything posted by trapperman

  1. I just ordered a dd travel hammock which can also be a bivvy and a camo tarp and ridge line Couldn't help myself lol
  2. I like the look of these ! I love my bell tent but this time of year I could have to leave it up for weeks till we get a good enough day to dry it completely
  3. For £160 do you get everything you need to strap to trees etc a complete ready to use kit?
  4. My dads mother died recently and he got a little bit of money from what was left after the sale of her house and care home fees, so he gave me and my two sisters £1000 each mad money as he calls it to just blow on something we've always wanted! So I'm thinking of getting a polytunnel for the small holding I've looked at sites and I quite like the look of Northern polytunnels easy build range with screw in ground anchors, and aluminium base rails and doors and door frames( no rotting ) I've never had one and know nothing about them, anyone got any advice on what to look for, pro and co
  5. I don't know much about strains etc but I ordered my seeds from Dutch passion Quite a good site have a look?
  6. Or am I just getting all emotional ? This weed does funny shit to my head ?
  7. How far are you lot from Oxfordshire? We should have a stoners camp out at my smallholding
  8. You might find this helpful/interesting pal give it a read https://www.leafly.com/news/strains-products/best-cannabis-strains-for-treating-pain/ Hope you can help your son get a bit of relief Thanks for that BGD
  9. I've spent about £50 on outdoor autos and some photos with my mate to grow at the smallholding this year and already got about 4-5oz of bud with 2x auto white widow just 2 weeks old and 3 photos still to come, my mate did some in his green house and has suffered with bud rot but I've had no rot out doors with the breeze to dry it It's good fun with no set up cost and for me is just the perfect way as I'm busy and don't want to have to mess about worrying about every mil of water or fertiliser etc
  10. My son has scoliosis (twisted spine) and has found that smoking weed at party's etc gives him some pain relief so next year I'm going to try to find some outdoor high cbd strain to grow for him to try
  11. not wrong my lad came home two hours after I had finished and just looked at me and laughed
  12. Cheers, I made my first batch two days ago 500g coconut oil to 1 oz buds I left all small sugary leaves on and it seems fine but maybe needs to be a little stronger mix next time By God it stank I think half the street must of smelt it I cooked it in my garage in a small 1.5lt slow cooker I was well paranoid
  13. You guys who know way more than me, would you just leave all the sugar leaves on these buds if just cooking with it as I'm doing ?
  14. I love this thread ? I'm sitting in the garden now with my new cast iron fire pit roaring after having a half teaspoon of canna oil in a cup of tea a hour and half ago and I'm just so chilled and catching up on this thread Life ain't so bad is it???? I been out this morning and got two new holes dug and filled with my own super soil recipe ready for my last two seedlings of auto white widow hope it's not to late and we still have 8-9 weeks of ok weather left
  15. No I only use a little, going to coconut oil most of it a few oz will easy do the whole year Prob just 3-6 autos a year will keep me sorted
  16. Taste was fine but only dried and then jared two weeks so I'm sure will improve I've never grown it before but these autos grew well outside got to about 4 foot and they do the job? I have got 3 outside photos going 2 trance 1 kush these are over 5 foot and still going up just hope they don't rot if we have a wet autumn
  17. I haven't touched it apart from the odd shared spliff for about 20 years I think I'm having a bit of a midlife crises and just enjoy being a bit naughty and growing something illegal however stupid it is that it's illegal, it is and I'm a very naughty boy ?
  18. Just finished 3 outdoor autos got about 4-5 oz so not bad had a little go on mini bong and seems pretty good tho not cured yet I'm gunna infuse into coconut oil as I don't really like smoking anything
  19. Well guys after lots of long days and hard work we opened yesterday at about 11.30 and have had our first full day today, to say we are pleased is an under statement, we knew we had to take £350 a day to cover all our costs and we have done approx £1700 in less than two days albeit our two busiest days We've had lots of positive feedback on spotted kidlington and on Facebook and the comments from customers have been fantastic Thanks for all your replys and if any of you are driving though kidlington Oxfordshire pop in for a shake and get 10% off for being a THL member and if your on Fa
  20. Oops not sure why that second pic is side ways lol
  21. Thanks for all the replys guys it's given us a few ideas, we've had delivery now of our slushy and whippy ice cream machines also the blender for milkshakes It's been a scary project for someone like me who usually shys away from DIY but I'm having to do all this myself, so here's a couple of pics to show my progress After ripping out the carpet that was glued to every inch of the floor, my knees have never hurt so much it took 3 days Then fixing the ceiling tiles Sanding and painting all walls Then fitting new commercial floor Then fitting and bolting to wall all solid wood shelv
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