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Everything posted by nelson

  1. I suppose it just depends on what mood the Fuzz are in when they pull you over and your attitude toward them. One of the only two good things this b'stard government have done, is invent so many laws even the Police don't know which one we or they are breaking on a daily basis.
  2. Well i'm missing the place already, i thought my IT consultant 11 year old girl had got me locked out again, for just one more time. Question though Shay If Brektu puts up pictures of LEGAL quarry from where he lives and it is in accordance with the laws of His land, are they allowed to be put up here I ask because the Paddy's can still put up pictures of dogs doing hot work, as can the Yanks, so it would seem logical to me that those who perhaps have more level headed law makers than ourselves, should be able to put up pictures of Quarry legal to them.
  3. nelson

    New 4x4

    You might struggle to find something with that specification matey
  4. You mean £5 - £6 per Christmas present don't you
  5. Thats because us Lincolnshire folk are sophisticated and trend setting Do you ever go to Crawfords Steve? No, i don't like the c*nt Only joking , i normally go to Colin's at Wragby when i'm out that way but i don't spend a great deal on shooting stuff, BB's, 1's or the odd 250 box of 4's for what i shoot toward . My lad manages to spend more than me, have you seen how much .410 cartridges are
  6. Seams a lot of us Lincolnshire lads have them then. I have an AYA for trying to be posh with and an old Baikal non ejector for Fox control, choked tight as feck and is often reffered to as my Baikal rifle by those who are just plain jealous. I got it from Coppins for £20, 9 years ago and won't be without it.
  7. nelson

    the govermemt

    They need controlling, end of It's alright for the poor people but if you ever had some dig up your tennis court, you'd be as pissed off as me
  8. Absolutely feckin True matey Use the animal for what it was intended and nothing else, be hard, be cruel but be true
  9. Well i've decided, after 15 years of the same woman, i'm going to shag anything reasonable with a pulse I will be totally intolerant of anyone who either disagree's with me or i disagree with I am going to ignore my kids when they speak to me ( what go's round comes round) I am going to see if i can get banned from the council offices again, over none payment of council tax and the argument that followed I am going to kill next doors cat and not just have it ill at the Vets for a week I am going to hire one of those 'spacker chariot', (the electric ones where l
  10. Only the official Girls Aloud Calendar 2008 It just doesn't get any better than that lads
  11. I had one, 3 cylinder job. Alright, did what i wanted at the time but daren't take it over anything than a grass field. Nissan Micra with a 4wd button on the gear stick was what i had. Fuel tank was off a Zippo lighter so it felt less economical than it was. Wifes Peugot 106 Diesel was faster, had better acceleration and was more economical. No boot space unless, back seats were down and f*ck me did i have the piss taken out of me. But, solid little motor and fun, in a mincey little way, to drive. :kiss: Apart from that, nothing really to say.
  12. It's not a bad time of year at all Mol, there is no good or bad time for this. At the risk of sounding a pillock, it is exactly the right time of year to ask this. Now is the time when we think of those less fortunate than our selves and though that must seem hard with a Government, hell bent on riding rough shod all over us,cuts in services here there and everywhere, war in far of corners of the globe and the basics of our existence, fuel, electricity and water costing more than ever. But, and this is the But. It's the same for a blokes family who hardly any of us ever me
  13. Excellent words there in my humble opinion
  14. Your welcome mate but do yourself a favour and ditch the avator Highly irregular that sort of thing you know
  15. As me dear old Granny used to say................. F*ck me Riley
  17. It's as simple as that mate. Thanks to East Midlands F&MWTC for these. A reputable organisation
  18. nelson


    Wire brush and Dettol
  19. Matey, i shouldn't worry about doing anything except making sure you have got plenty of Newspapers handy and making sure the Bitch is fit enough. After that just leave her to it, Border's are good natural whelpers and the Bitch will be hot enough without a Heat lamp being on her, in fact, in my opinion it would probably distress her more than comfort her if it was on. Let her get used to her new surroundings a few day's before she calves and make sure the box floor is covered in newspaper.She will 'nest' before she calves generally and can rip all the paper up herself. After she ha
  20. Well personally i couldn't care less if someone is a pudding or not, by the very fact they add a post is something. There are 'personalities' on here i have thought of as complete w*nkers for a long time but they have as much right as me or any other c*nt to post if they like and who would i be to judge them
  21. Totally agree here, the country is bursting at the seams already and some fook witt wants to bring in even more potential VERMIN species in :headshot:: FFS we can't control Squirrels in this country and feckin Badger's can do as they like and some clown wants to let a load of Beaver's go as well, defies logic to me, the bloke is a joker
  22. nelson


    Get the beast some Diesel Jasper, if she turns her nose up at least it can go in your Truck mate It's downstairs for Dancing and Up stairs for Thinking kid
  23. Cheers Simon, i hope he does ok, i can't see why not but you never know.
  24. Yep, they were gone before they were born mate
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