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Everything posted by nelson

  1. You feckers didn't even invent the English language, you nicked words from everyone else & strung them together! Like all good things, they come with time and a blend of good ingredients..................................................................... ................................................................................ . ..................why you can list all the Welsh words such as
  2. Ah yes,the Proms, just after Jerusalem, now that must bring a tear to the eye of any passionate man. As for anthems being sung with passion, then look no further than the rank and file Englishmen who sing the Anthem at the start of both halves of an England Football game. Or these Red Sea Pedestrians, apparently they're quite proud.
  3. Then you have a kindered spirit in me my old coracle. I have no axe to grind with the Welsh, i actually think your Anthem to be amongst the most stirring in the World. The fact that i picked out Rob Howley's( the greyhound) side singing,( which has been on my favourites for a lot of years now, should give you a clue). However, i do not agree that it should be sung along side ours at the FA cup final, for reasons given.It is a club competition, not a national one. It is the FA not the FAW or SFA and as such, their rules apply.
  4. As this is the British National Anthem then, and you lot from Wales are part of "Great Britain and Northern Ireland", now i believe commonly reffered to as the United Kingdom (UK), you won't mind singing along then eh.
  5. Thank the good Lord you were there to rescue the Terrier in it's time of need , well done matey.
  6. Yep clever b'stard, and i'm only replying to it oh, and i couldn't care less what Wales is or isn't, dick.
  7. Remember those two dago kids at the 1978 World Cup Jasper, doing all those tricks Clever pair of feckers, bet they didn't like getting kicked up in the air :kiss:
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpYogExUngU...feature=related There you go mate. Keep it away from the English eh Sporting shooter English, the language you speak and also,if you watch the clip, the proud Welshman, singing his National Anthem who has to stop and can be seen saying " I'm on telly" It must be the same in Welsh eh And Stiffmeister, the FA cup is open to all associated clubs, it's the only cup competion in the civilised world that is like it. You might have something similar in Wales though. :search:
  9. Well they feckin well aint are they matey, it's the FA not the Welsh, Irish or Scottish equivalent, so if the druids don't feckin like it, don't feckin well enter the thing next year............................................................................ ......................yaki da or however you spell it
  10. Jump start it, or take the battery off and re-charge it. If there is no power, then the solenoid to the fuel injector pump ( or whatever they are called nowadays ) won't allow it to start by towing.
  11. There's better Earth dogs in your kennels mate
  12. Yep, your best off stripping the coat and it should get harder in time. Nice template of the animal there though after it had been trimmed, looks like it should get anywhere.
  13. I have not knowingly, nore will i ever, buy anything from an Asian, no matter how cheap Therefore 3p a litre is worth not having to have anything to do with the 'em. Interesting points about the rest though mate, i never considered changing the type of oil used, cheers
  14. This the same dog you were saving for next year mate ? As in the same dog in the first picture on this thread, got there a bit earlier than you thought then eh. Any way, good luck old flower.
  15. Nice to see the old place going from strength to strength ain't in one arm , esp when the clientele are of such a high standard Yep, it'll soon end though 'cos the Diamond White will wear off How accurate do you think one can throw a house brick when one is under the influence of that expertly pressed liquor Diamond White The question should be; " How accurately can one throw up ", when one is under the influence of such a fine brew, responsible for the dropping of more maidens under garments than any other liquid
  16. Nice to see the old place going from strength to strength ain't in one arm , esp when the clientele are of such a high standard Yep, it'll soon end though 'cos the Diamond White will wear off
  17. It's like being at a shite wedding do Get into 'em
  18. nelson


    Remember the programme ? Well How the feck do they get them Imperial Leather labels to stick on a bar of Soap (Just for Ditch Shitter, soap is the stuff that we humans use to clean ourselves with, at least weekly )
  19. You'd need an 18 year old and a set of 'jump leads' Jasper
  20. I've put some of Lidl's finest veg oil in (78p a litre v Tesco's 98p robbing b'stards) and it has been fine, a little extra smoke when cold / first thing thats all. Anything in moderation should be ok but then you never really know mate. I am going to use about 15 / 20 litres a month, thats all to take the sting out of motoring but what you do is up to you. The only person i know who had any trouble at all was a palooka i know from Chesterfield ( books could be written about the c*nt :crazy: ) who would fill up neat all day every day with veg oil straight from the shopping trolle
  21. Good information there Mat, thanks.
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