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Everything posted by nelson

  1. nelson

    Text Talk

    Do we have to have this every 3 months or so, the rules are there for everyone, if you don't play by the rules i'm sure no one will miss you
  2. :clapping: Pissed myself, reminded me of when i had an English Bull ( feckin thing ) me and her i'm married to were coming back from town after an arguement, not a word said, cloud of gloom etc.etc.. When i saw a mate of mine thumbing it, he had long curly hair and was a bit grimey as he worked at a slag heap. Anyway he jumped in and the feckin dog attacked him and kept on biting his hair/head until we got to our village about 8 mile. He couldn't wait to get out and i couldn't see to stop for crying with laughter, when he baled out ( before i stopped ) the dog went with him and
  3. Cos it was supposed to be my password but i'm not very good at this computer lark.
  4. Don't listen to them sugar jaws. :kiss: Seriously, Suzukis are far better than most folk give them credit for, put some good boots on it and it will keep up with the big boys no problem.
  5. The pinnacle of off road performance, coupled with a ride comfort often dreamed of by Range Rover drivers.
  6. I went yesterday, lots of folk there, few of the stalls that used to be at every Hunt terrier show, good day out, pleasent views etc etc. lots of nice looking terriers and judged well by Mr Kidd. Did my bit for the hunt by posing with my Knackered little Border bitch and was very impressed with the Border turn out. I must confess though at feeling that these fine looking dogs, and they were very fine looking dogs, would make good workers, the conformation was good the head, jacket and build spot on. Big problem though and i hope i'm not talking out of turn here, was that
  7. http://www.wcsauto.com/ http://www.tyresdirectuk.co.uk/xcart/custo...ategory_4x4.php Top one will be more down your street Simon.
  8. Know what you mean matey, mine do this when i put them on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35wkGEnDZ6Y
  9. nelson

    Len French.

    I never saw a dog in bad condition at Len French's.
  10. nelson


    Have you considered changing gear then
  11. nelson


    is it automatic Simon ?
  12. nelson

    Len French.

    I've always found Len to be sound, always seen me right. Good luck mate. Oh and yes the authorities can have one from me as well
  13. One of the reason's i got mine was there is nothing in it to break, cheap insurance and renowned reliability.
  14. I've a Daihatsu Fourtrak van at the moment but the best i've had for moving me and the dogs has to be SJ 413. Loads of bits for 'em, cheap to run, cheap to insure, nippy, go lots of places, reliable, just looked a bit 'sweet and smashing ' thats all :kiss:
  15. I used to wear Matterhorns and Aigle wellies but this year i have invested in a pair of these http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/flccb1aa.html Absolutely superb, very comfortable.
  16. looks the Biz mate, good luck, i hope he does well.
  17. Happy Birthday Julie, what did you get, some cough sweets,a Cardigan, some slippers, bottle of sherry, some bath salts, couple of Vera lynn records :whistle:
  18. Difficult this mate, you'll want him to be a dog and boss a situation no doubt but he needs to know his place. If you used him on his own would it make any difference ?. Just a thought.
  19. Its Good one, and don't forget it Grandma .
  20. I've a rabbiting spade, bulldog, narrow width, hardly used. Its the narrow one, the one next to it was £ 5.95 from an Army surplus store. You can have the narrow one, come pick it up. http://www.milisupply.com/fc.htm Get in touch with these if you want a different spade at proper prices shag.
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