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Everything posted by nelson

  1. nelson


    So that's alright then is it ? I don't think much of the " rough house council estate people" if they are prepared to let some dirty foreign c*nts live there and get away with this, nor of the bloke who's dog it was if he ain't prepared to do something about it.
  2. There was a time i'd shoot them if they were stood with one foot off the floor but that was at a shoot we both know well, not sure if shoot is the right term
  3. The word on the street is you used to be a bit of a dead eye dick with a 12 bore, taking birds as high as 4 feet of the floor
  4. i got my little border bitch spade when she was 8 months old it was the worst mistake i have made she is no kc and got her of an old hunting bloke up morpath she was the runt of the litter only pay a 100 pound for her dose not look much scruffy and would get no were in a show but she hunts like i dont no what she is 1 1/2 years old now she has bolted foxs taken mink rats and rabbits for fun.pheasents she has even caught a woody in the garden i can point at a hole and she will go down. not all borders are shit and the runt of the litter worked out the best for me. my mate has 2 lakes but o
  5. I nearly choked then, have you been sniffing something matey And who will these terriers be given to free then ? any one who wants one, the whole working terrier populous ? Read animal farm a few to many times matey haven't you. Get yourself a magazine, lets say the countrymens weekly or even the EDRD and see how many people have a litter in, given away to working homes only. I'll save you the time and tell you, none. The reason................'cos it all cost's money, whether we like it or not. Am i gonna breed my KC registered Border bitch and give you, Dez,
  6. i've worked Borders undrground for 10 years or so now and the only fault i find is they give the impression they are reluctant to go some times. Some are fox killers out and out, some are stupid and get hammered and some are sensible and stay out of harms way. I have yet to see one false mark or not enter ( all i have seen have been from working stock mind ) The good thing about them is they are generally quite in kennels and they're coat hides alot of " action " Other than that, work what you want to work but be true to the dog, whether it be black, white or any colour in be
  7. Whatever you do don't go to Confused.com i think they must have been having an office party when i asked for a quote.
  8. Yes looks a nice animal had the bloke with the Border dropped something
  9. No Moby i haven't been to the north West and i have no intention of going either. I have a lot of friends in West Yorkshire and they all used to go out for a curry here and there and i would and still won't eat the shite :stink: , called me all the names they could in the 's and now they see my point.
  10. Just to give you all a glimmer of hope A pub in our village went into a franchise with some filthy mucky feckers selling Curry and the like about a year ago. Well to cut a long story short, no c*nt bought from them and the pub was dead, so they did the decent thing and fecked off Now the boozer is back in decent people's hands and the locals ( white anglo saxon 's ) are using it again. So the point is this, DO NOT under any circumstances buy anything from a foreigner, treat them like rats, cut of the food supply and remove the home and the b*stards feck of
  11. you would be an immigrant in somebody elses country then.we was in mid wales the otherday fuckers were serving in the services they couldnt understand a word i said and i only got milk and fags.why the f**k people employ them is beyond me but i suppose cheap labour, wankers. Thats them feckin Druids for you mate, i feel sorry for any foreigner in Wales, how the feck are they supposed to understand 'em, feckin Yaky-da this and Yaki-da that, who's coat is that Jacket etc.etc., confuses me as well.
  12. Perfection..........................
  13. nelson

    new born

    Well done old lad, hope the misses is back on the road in no time
  14. Get some butter down your tubes Ditchy and stop your chelping. Kiwi, make sure your countrymen know that the average Joe Bloggs ( or Patel ) in the street, long for the old days of the Commonwealth, looking after each other and would love Britain to up anchor ( no punn ) and make her way further into the Atlantic and have nothing to do with Europe.
  15. Honestly i'm not trying to dress you up to look a c*nt, i believe you do that most days on your own But why not consider a pair of tweeds ?, i had some a year or two back and they were superrb, seemed to have shrunk a bit round the waste a bit mind, can't understand it I also had a pair of moleskin lined waterproof trousers from Cuthberts of Norden , or something like that, they were ok too. I f you do get some Tweeds and honestly they were the dog's, get some that are lined or your always scratching your knob end/knee
  16. Great links there Steezy, i like the Deutsch club shop, some nice stuff there.
  17. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: I bet you did.
  18. I reckon you'd be as well sending Steezy or Matulkoh or any of the lads on the Continent a PM matey. Perhaps they might know somebody who could help.
  19. Just read them Jasper...................clear as mud So how do i stop Giant Haystacks sister ( the wife ) from growing any larger
  20. nelson


    Thats right Stabs, hours of fun but a bit juicy with a Rolls Royce straight 8 petrol engine.
  21. Frank how can Margerine be good for anyone ? I've been eating it for years, until the Ditch Shitter experiments that is, all i can say is it has made my hair receed and grown a huge swelling on my abdomen. I fear the effects of eating margerine are irreversible and i will have to suffer for a life time with the consequences
  22. Don't you just love the Welsh
  23. Yes brilliant performance :clapping: even though Wales were crap It's on BBC 2 in a minute, i think i'll treat myself to repeat performance.
  24. that was a repeat shag, it was first on in the week. Sky do some top gear programmes on UKTV something or other.
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