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Everything posted by nelson

  1. nelson

    The 80's

    Fecked if i know, if you were still sober at the end of the night you simply hadn't tried hard enough to get pissed :sick:
  2. nelson

    The 80's

    Strut my stuff, there must be some mistake matey Get to the bar and stay there until 'High ho Silver Lining' comes on and then look for the girl who's roaring, always fecking one, and befriend it so your love muscle has something to rub against while having the last slow dance
  3. nelson

    The 80's

    Goombe Bay Dance Band Having a Fringe
  4. What a waste of time watching that, 31 - 0 after 16 minutes, i think i'll take the dogs out
  5. Greatest sporting spectacle on the planet, got to be dissapointed that Pinochet wasn't Red carded for asking for a Frog to be yellow carded, fecking dirty Dago. Lets hope there are a few more surprises today, starting with the Eyties beating the AB's, not likely i know but it is the world cup and anything can happen
  6. Can we have a Skegness or Bridlington flag as we go on holiday to them places as well
  7. You are within the law as you were defending yourself and your family against an aggresive dog. You are also allowed to kill the dog in the defence of yourself and/or your family regardless of its breed Of coarse, the rogue dog was attacking your pup which was being walked by your child and you were fearing for both they're safety, Stop worrying, you have done nothing wrong mate.
  8. Good call old chap, i will be mainly changing my Fourtrack soon for another Shogun A man about town such as myself, deserves a bit of comfort you know
  9. My sentiments excactly, my thoughts are with their families, all of them
  10. See if this bloke can help you out mate http://www.deerhunter.co.uk/kids.htm
  11. If you can't get shut of them matey, why not advertise them free to working homes only and then vet the intended owners That must surely be better than having all this hassle of selling them and then wondering if they are actually going to be used for what the good Lord intended them for eh
  12. One day we will probably all be judged and have a stack of evidence weighted against us by a woman who's face looks like a testing site for Bottox Dart Championships, but until then we should remember that those dog's did what was natural to them, the blokes only gave them the opportunity to use they're in bred ability. I feel sorry for the innocent victims of the attacks myself and no doubt another nail in the coffin for what was once recognised as the former British Bull Dog/ Band dogge, until it was turned into the fat farting thing it is today.
  13. And what do you mean by that Mr shitter You should be the last to comment, after all it's your fault there is so much feckin butter in there
  14. Found some Feckin salad stuff on my Beer shelf not good enough i'm afraid She will have to go
  15. I have to agree with Shot, i have a Border, went to ground to fox at 10 month's old, came out after 5 or so minutes and her litter sister went straight after her. I was talking about the incident with the bloke i got her off in the week, nearly 9 years ago the other day. My bitch's mother was forward, so they say, for a Border, working her first fox at 14 month, my bitch and her litter sister both "worked" their first foxes around this age as well. At the time i had a Border dog, big strong, powerful head and stupid, he was also at it early and never gave ground. I had 2 litters ou
  16. we do have some working Border's here in England but no one pay's any interest..............................
  17. Because they aren't black, have smooth a coat, bull head and don't grunt all the time. It wouldn't make an ounce of difference if a Border was dug to every day of it's life, those who have decreed it worhtless will alway's say that. Just as i have said that the thick headed, deep chested, smooth "terrier" ( loosely attached to the terrier world by its bull & terrier ancestory) is a waste of my kennel space. Good luck to those who try and work them but deep down we all know they aren't the real deal. Bull & Terrier out crosses that is.
  18. Blah, Blah, Blah getting a bit boring now eh.
  19. Bring back public birching and capital punishment.
  20. nelson


    Hitler, not the best person to ask, was convinced that freezing to death was painless. Now i'm not going to go against a German scientific study by any means, and in fact i can relate to it after being frozen at -42 c whist in Canada representing the British Army at drinking. but, is it the best way out , might be, because you never give up hope until you give up hope..............................and then it's too late.
  21. Well done Stab's Although it is amusing, best to know who you are dealing with eh.
  22. why the smiley face at the end of your post? are you actually glad to see a old man has been given jail Good point Max, is there a reason for this or just a keyboard slip. Len French, is one of us, a hunting bloke.
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