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Everything posted by nelson

  1. Wilf's right, only coarse of action open is to bray the c*nt
  2. nelson


    We all HAVE to vote these c**ts out or suffer the consequences. I really do feel like i am banging my head against a brick wall when i read some tosser has either not voted or voted for the Red b'stards because he always has done or there was no credible alternative. When someone can come from :mamba: Bongo Bongo land :mamba: and do as he pleases and we can't even do what our forefathers did . Think about it you labour / none voters next time you have to put a X on a ballot paper
  3. Will it taste better then Edited to say, i never realised it was such an exact science and i am quite impressed by the detail shown in your earlier posts.
  4. What the feck are you after then matey He's just about giving the thing away, tight twat
  5. oh yes, that and Harp ( think that might still be on the go), follow the bear Hoffmeister. Thunderbird, diamond white, blastaway ( one for the ladies ) Lager and black from the 70's ( me mam told me ) India pale ale, ahh the list goes on.
  6. Simoman is the bloke to answer this one. What sort of dog was it by the way ? I had a bull terrier years back and we had to lock the feckin thing up when it had a bone as no one could go anywhere near the cow
  7. nelson

    Red Arrows

    The world-famous Red Arrows have been banned from appearing at the 2012 London Olympics because they are deemed "too British". Organisers of the event say that the Arrows military background might be "offensive" to other countries taking part in the Games. The display team have performed at more than 4000 events worldwide, but the Department of Culture, Media and Sport have deemed the display team "too militaristically British". Red Arrows pilots were said to be "outraged", as they had hoped to put on a truly world class display for the Games, something which had never been seen before. Be
  8. Nice stuff matey Had to put me Bi- focals on to see them though
  9. Matey, i have to agree with you. It seams most of the stuff we all like to call 'Patterdale', has got a little stockier and a little heavier. This in a little dog means to me that the things are out of proportion to the athlete that is needed to do the pest control work we ask it to do. Now there will be a lot of folk who dissagree, and to those people i say , no only joking. We all want our dogs to do different role's in the job they undertake, i would suggest that the litters or lines you have seen are prefering the heavier type dog to do that job.
  10. Feck me you can't get on with any c*nt can you Where the feck do you live, the Bronx FFS
  11. Chief, the thing to do, not that i have mind, is get hold of some Suzuki Vitara 16" rims. These fit on all Daihatsu Fourtraks and give a much better choice of tyres whilst at the same time raising ground clearence. I've been trying to get some for months now mind, so i can only suppose they are like hens teeth
  12. It might be old lad, will know more tomorow when i view a new vehicle for transporting me and the dogs , her and the fecking kids and moving her feckin mother around and about
  13. Glance your eyes over this beauty matey All belts done July as well
  14. I've got one, very good, rugged and solid. Totaly reliable, does what it says on the tin Also might be for sale
  15. Probably not from these fair Isles matey but maybe abroad. I've got to ask the question though, why the suspicion of the foreign terrier and terrierman http://www.hurricanekennels.com/patterdale.html
  16. I think the original question was something like that, then we were off on a bit off a ramble about who did what to who, when and how Still it's good to talk eh
  17. I understand what you mean about the money part Wilf old flower, my point is why has no-one else got this same tackle alive and kicking today
  18. God knows Poach, i reckon if you put the time into a good strain of whatever you like, the results should come though. I've yet to have a terrier that wasn't dug to regularly but then i've yet to have a terrier that didn't try my patience or end up being sold or nearly sold. That is my fault and not the dogs, i just get a bit arsey when they reach that teenage sort of age where they think they are going to do they're own thing. One thing i have noticed over the years and me and a mate were talking about this the last week, is that a good terrier pup that does plenty of either rats, squ
  19. I've read a bit of this and then glanced at most of it. The question of size will always be here, one size don't fit all and if Mr Nuttall, i don't know him at all so will give him the respect, his age and standing in the terrier world deserves, thinks that tiny ( not usefull sized ) terriers are the answer to controlling underground vermin then that is up to him. I saw one in a blokes kennels 6 years ago and was disturbed by the puny fecking thing, my 12" Border would have nearly made two of it and yet the bloke told me, and i have no reason to dispute him, that it worked 'cock on'. T
  20. nelson

    The 80's

    And there was me thinking you was the one poncing about in the middle .... I'm afraid the Odd POGO was my limit mate
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