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Everything posted by little_bitch

  1. hopefully they will breed a nice big litter of healthy cubs for you to work next season!
  2. This guy here has said this swag not me I WAS SHOCKED AS much as you was! Swag the emotion thing was trying to say confused and couldnt beleave he could say it cause I wouldnt ever agree to shooting any dog. Plus edited it cos I went mad at him for saying such a thing an got carried away. pwaaa whats going on here is there any need for me to get involed????????????????????? no there ent!!!
  3. well done keep up the good work. ps you cant beat a good russell. shabelia and crabowley if im not mistaken?? 400 for lucky any takers?
  4. hahahahahahahaha always love the chance to speak!!!! :wankerzo4:
  5. how did the second dig go michelle knight? oh do ya want to buy a bellman and flint going cheap? dont you look the part mr p!!!!!!!
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