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Everything posted by tony

  1. tony

    red tail hawks

    looking for as much info as possible on the redtails ie..are they good birds to fly?, well behaved birds, their quarry, etc....anything at all really! cheers
  2. how much are the peg and gun courses please? and were abts are u p and g? what would a day out with you involve? cheers
  3. looking for advivce on the correct shot size for a fox? any one got any preferances to a good make? size shot? gram?
  4. Never mind trying 2 hunt wildlife, ive been forced to change my prey and now i am a unrelenting permission hunter.......a unsucsessful one at that! ive had air-rifle shooting permission for a while now, which was never a real dificulty to find. i have since upgraded to shotgun!!thats were all the problems started! i have asked in person what feels like hundred of farmers and small holding for permission to shoot pigeon or rabit on land within a 20miles radius 2 were i live. ALso i have sent nearing 50 letters to those further a feild and closer.....(these have included buisness cards,
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