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Everything posted by seany

  1. Too true I have to do six in a row two days off then could be mornings or afters for another six!
  2. Just orded it today any good guys? ATB Seany
  3. Thanks for the replys,The first bury Ill be working is an old pile of soil tipped in the corner of a field and its got a lite covering of nettles so I think im best just clearing round the holes while im netting up.Im going to have a bash in the first week in september. Regards Seany
  4. Excellent reply rosspti!Many thanks for the information. Regards Seany
  5. Hi Guys,I know each bury is different but in witch situations would you clear before and how long would you leave to settle and vise versa? Thanks in advance Seany
  6. I just did a little and often,they still squirm though and try to bite me!Also I made the holes bigger so its not so fiddly. ATB Seany
  7. seany


    Thanks for the replys ,they will be coming up for around 16 weeks.
  8. Well guys just an update on things.My kits dont seem like kits anymore my hob Mick is huge I reckon he must weigh 2lbs amd my gill 1lbs and reckon they have both more than doubled in size since fathers day when i got them.My locater came yesterday (witch the wife was NOT happy about )and i think ive mastered it and have been leaving the collar on the ferrets for a few minutes at a time for them to get used to it.Also permission is growing,got an extention to my existing land along an orchard,my dads bosses garden and maybe a golf corse .Had a nice walk this morning with my mentor/ferreting pa
  9. Cheers for the replies lads talk soon ATB Seany
  10. It does mate,Its all coming together now made me own nets dogs getting fit ferrets are thriving just got to get the most expensive bit the locator.
  11. Hope the customers were nt waiting for their Sunday papers Y.I.S Leeview
  12. Too true lads will do, The couple that own the land are very close to some big land owners on neighboring farms.thing is no one does it round my way anymore.Had a walk round the feild this morning after having a chin wag with the old dear and theirs loads of droppings around the perimeter plus Ive managed to get an old boy to mentor me too.
  13. Well Ive got my permission sorted Its a seven acre feild a mile and a half from home,belive it or not I got this by delivering the sunday papers to the farms for my local news agents while on my way to excersise the Dag so It paid off in the end!Realy excited now cant wait
  14. you can hire those mate and they just charge you for how much of the cutting edge you use (diamond blade),and they check before and after with an eye piece.
  15. Cheers mate see what i can do ATB Seany
  16. How long do they want to be?
  17. Thanks for the advise chaps could you tell me what pegs are best(I was thinking hardwood)and where's the best place to buy from is, or could i make my own?
  18. Cheers guys thats four complete no probs I think I'll aim for for twenty to start with and the good thing is I can always make knit some more. ATB Seany
  19. 300! Id better get busy then
  20. I must admit ive enjoyed it,the most frustrating thing is when my missus asks me have i put all my clothes in the wash and then I forget where I am on the first ring and do two fronts or two backs then on the second row a loop drops how long does it take you lot start to finish Im doing one in about two hours
  21. No there not shaped mate ive made three 3'6" 15 meshes across is it best to make shaped?
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