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Everything posted by seany

  1. The old boys go mad for blewitts round here,the Wifes grandad got a bag from the pub the other week and looking through them he said there not all blewitts theres some morells but like you said they look nothing like them! Im going back to the spot for some ferreting friday so what i'll do is get some more and swap a couple rabbits for a bag of blewitts off the man and compare. Regards Seany
  2. Really nice read mate thanks
  3. I think this was the case Skycat,it was between the muscle and the skin on the back leg. I never thought I would have a celebrity replying to my posts Many thanks Seany
  4. Hello all!Been having lovely days out over the last few weeks catching enough rabbits for me and the ferrets plus a few surplus for freinds and family,today I got back and was skinning my catch and on the rabbit found a sort of milky,creamy,waxy looking substance any ideas guys? Regards Seany p.s It didnt smell right either
  5. Any chance you could put up a link for the dvd please? Regards Seany http://www.pakefieldproduce.co.uk/ and click DVD, I assume. 15 bar for an hour of cooking rabbit seems abit steep though Nice one mate Seany
  6. Any chance you could put up a link for the dvd please? Regards Seany
  7. Hi Ken,ferrets like dogs are carnivores end of thats what they have been eating since the dawn of time mate dont bother with the rubbish in a sack Regards Seany P.S Ive been watching your progress on the other forum Aladins a beautiful looking animal!
  8. How you doin Mate,I dont see why not There good for marking,can get to the nets quiker than you and hold the rabbit till you get there also all dogs have superier eye sight and hearing than any human Regards Seany
  9. Alright Lads watched The Proposition a few weeks back very gritty ATB Seany
  10. roger,is youre friend a cat????????? Im sorry but ive just about pissed myself Im anewcomer myself and just feed as normal theres a rabbit in there now and Im out tomorow ATB Seany
  11. Same here Ive been in Feckin agony with me hands
  12. Nice box Ken,Did you find it difficult to fix the bow back on?
  13. Well done Mate,nice looking hounds Regards Seany
  14. Next time out I'll let him have a bit more slack I just thought it best to keep him out of sight from holes.Honestly though Im realy pleased with him
  15. I wrote a letter to the neighbouring farm to my permission and got the whole farm no problem just have to text the farm manager when im on the land.But Joe public have mixed reactions I just cant see the problem with catching your own snap 90% of the population eat meat but the ones that disagree live in the "matrix" they dont quite realise where there meat comes from,on the other hand I get alot of "Seasonal Dog Walkers"on my permmision who tresspass because they cant be arsed to walk down the road a bit and give me the filthiest looks,well they will do now Ive been told to tell them to stick
  16. Hiya mate,Basically any meat and bones,I dont bother with commercial ferret foods its just crap in a bag!That goes for my dog as well in fact i dont think Ive ever gave them complete Regards Seany
  17. Another question Lads,I took my boy out Ferreting on friday,it was his third time out and I must say he was as good as gold in fact Ive never seen him so switched on.He was doing down stays listening watching waiting and pinned the rabbits in the nets and gave the two that escaped a real good run,but my question is should i have him still while waiting for a bolt or going on the bury following the action underground Regards Seany
  18. Yeah he can and it was his net it threw off!
  19. Nice one lads sounds like im doing it right its just two threw the nets off on saturday :realmad: and I missed a bolt whole still managed to take two home though Regards Seany
  20. Alright Guys,An old chap has been coming out with me but he sets his nets differently to me,in my books it says to tuck some into the whole so the bunny treads on it while exiting the bury but he tends to just lay them over with a little bit of bag in the net,whats your opinions Regards Seany
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