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Everything posted by kenny14

  1. She is a qualified barrister and was the youngest woman, at 21 ,to be called to the bar. That is "posh toff" for being able to practise as a barrister. As opposed to 'get the drinks in, lass'
  2. At last someone not afraid to come out and say that there's too many badgers, and suggest a use for them!: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/foodanddrinknews/9562992/Eat-badgers-says-Clarissa-Dickson-Wright.html
  3. One way to get round the hunting with Dogs act!
  4. Very good pic You can just see the look in it's eyes: 'Honest guv, I swear it was already dead when I found it '
  5. Have a look on here: http://www.woodlands.co.uk/blog/tree-identification/hazel/
  6. kenny14

    sir alex

    Refreshing to read two replies from fans of football, rather than blinkered supporters .
  7. On what!!!!..............the Dog? :icon_eek:
  8. I think that if all of the people who call the British isles home, could actually trace their ancestry back to more than just a few generations, there'd be very few of us who could claim to be true English/Welsh/Scots
  9. I've never come close to 100 in a night with any of my Dogs, and I've had quite a few over the years I've been in the game, and in fact I've had some years when Rabbits were scarce and 100 for the year was good going! But reading this topic has got me wondering how many people, like me have had some of their most memorable nights when the numbers caught haven't been high but the Dog has given it's all and you've seen some excellent runs where the quarry has proved just too good or had that little bit of luck and escaped.
  10. I know . That's a tough one. Was going to research how hard it is for a foreigner to get a FAC or if it's even possible. Another hang up is I do alot of bow hunting for just about every thing from small game to birds to big game. I suppose I could go to Spain or France to get my bow hunting fix. Cannot believe a guy can't hunt with a bow in the UK . My understanding is that's being fought ,but I'm not optimistic. That being said, I certainly do a fair amount of hunting with lurchers and air rifles. So the transistion there wouldn't be enormous. Initially, I was also concerned about the
  11. Another thing to consider if you're a shooting man Aaron is the gun laws over here .
  12. Agree with this one. And as for some of the 'advice' on cleaning it straight up, or boredom being the cause, well if someone were to spend all day peering through the kennel bars with shovel at the ready, I think they'd soon be that bored they'd be eating their own shit
  13. Condolences to the family. This sort of thing really puts things into perspective.
  14. I've always thought that too, but even more amazing are the stories you read where they claim they don't know how they got pregnant!
  15. I'll tell you what I think about the idea.............................. Instead of bringing the Does home and breeding them with his 'big lop eard pett', (and feeding them etc for 10 days) tell your mate to just leave 'em alone for a while 'cos I've heard it said that Rabbits breed like.......................................... well, Rabbits
  16. It's a disturbing fact, but in my experience the majority of members of these groups have hardly any true knowledge of the animals they're attempting to protect. A lot of them have never seen a live Badger other than those eating peanuts outside the (secretly located lol) watch group hide.
  17. Agree a rats a rat IMO and that image doesn't bother me, "but" I think others might find it distasteful in this section of the forum, get it moved to the trapping & snaring section. Didn't mean it like that, after all a photo that can induce emotion is like a work of art. The pic is of good quality but the subject matter is the issue if you know what I mean, like the diffence between a crap pic of a glorious sunset, or a good pic of an "ordinary" sunset, if that makes any sense Not ab bit bothered about the rats but, as in Lurcher Girl's last post, it does make you think
  18. One by one I carefully prised each baby from the teats, gave them a little cuddle before placing them in the warmest, cosiest place I could think of at the time (actually it was the second warmest place, as I'm quite attached to my tackle and would prefer to stay that way ). After checking the rest of the traps I quickly headed home and made a little nest from some bedsheets, placed all the little babies inside and put them in the airing cupboard. I got some baby milk from the chemists, and made up several little bottles which I've been feeding to them at hourly intervals day and night.
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