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Everything posted by kenny14

  1. Forcing shooters and dogmen to get on with each other in the same section would need more than a dozen mods! And then there'd be those of us who shoot and work Dogs!
  2. kenny14

    dogs names

    One of the most popular names for Dogs and Bitches, especially early in the season.................................. Little b*****d!
  3. I think the seller either didn't know what a Ferret was, or was working on the assumption that there's one born every minute .
  4. I think I know what you're saying wilf, but not sure about the 'elbow room' 'cos if it's illegal it's still going to be illegal no matter what the section title.
  5. Yes.............But you'll die. It's actually edible, but apparently it must be cooked or it can cause stomach upsets. It also can be found growing on Yew trees, in which case it shouldn't be eaten.
  6. I actually enjoy reading about rabbiting. Reading about different peoples experiences and methods, along with success and failure is something I can often relate to. But I suppose we're all different.
  7. I'm sure the many people on here who do a bit of Rabbiting (myself included) don't find it 'not very exciting'.
  8. Their motto could be 'Give them enough rope..............' Unfortunately the hunting world has too many people who seem more than willing to hang themselves just for the sake of a bit of bragging
  9. Both dog and Vixen scent mark. Cheers Kenny. Hopefully it might be the end of this for a while then. Might be, but I'd not pack the gear away just yet! There'll soon be a lot of Fox movement about as the Dogs are looking for a mate.
  10. kenny14


    Well if you're not sure what you're doing just ask on here and you'll get lots of (contradicting) advice lol.. congrats, by the way
  11. I agree, and they are definitely the clowns of the Bird world!
  12. Interesting about the Stoats, round here there's also been more about this year than there has for a long time. And I think it'll just be a matter of time before the Greys arrive up your way.
  13. Certainly not impossible, but definitely more paperwork which is a pain in the backside! Our FAC's are very specific, and we have to apply for variations for any change, including how much ammunition we want to be able to aquire or keep at any one time.
  14. Saw it straight away, it's very lifelike!
  15. Basicly, to have a 223 rebarrelled to 17, you'd first have to apply for a 'one for one' variation ie : replacing one 223 cal with one 17 cal. You'd then have to wait till your ammended FAC came back before you could collect the rebarrelled rifle, even though the serial No of the rifle, and entered on the certificate would obviously remain the same. In the case of interchangeable barrels of different calibres, you'd have to apply for such and have them entered on you certificate. You'd also apply to be allowed to purchase/aquire and have in your possession the ammunition for the two differe
  16. It's a cartridge that Dog needs, not a collar! Dog is dead. Bet you're gutted ......................................................................................A Dog like that would be much sought after by some on here Exactly, he was PTS rather than passed on. He had a few issues poor lad. I don't know if I'd had more experience then it might have been different, but he was around enough experienced lads to have been called crazy more than once! A lesson learned. A lesson learned................................................. No matter what 'ex
  17. This is the internet, you can argue with what you like
  18. It's a cartridge that Dog needs, not a collar! Dog is dead. Bet you're gutted ......................................................................................A Dog like that would be much sought after by some on here
  19. It's a cartridge that Dog needs, not a collar!
  20. It's a cartridge that Dog needs, not a collar!
  21. Also the 'Fox while out stalking' would mean that you couldn't legally go lamping for Fox. Some of the conditions, and wording of such are stupid to say the least.
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