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Everything posted by kenny14

  1. I don't really follow cycling, but hats off to him. And something for the isle of man to be proud of
  2. I thought she was a minger! The terrier was ok though.
  3. :shok: Come on lab, how many kids do you know that drastically alter their bodies like he did? Some f***ing childhood he missed out on! I mean, it's not exactly 'Dad...... can I have a tattoo?' , or 'I've got my belly button pierced, so there!'
  4. A corpse babysitting?...... Really though, that man was seriously strange. I bet Bubbles could've told some tales
  5. I think you can safely say that bloke doesn't get out far!
  6. That's a really good pic, all four feet off the ground. Like it
  7. Clarify it straight away to avoid potential problems. Everyone makes mistakes, but I feel that a lot of these sort are due to the fact that most if not all of the people doing the paperwork and printing have no firearms experience, and wouldn't know the difference between any of the calibres.
  8. Even though you shouldn't get many problems with a second hand .22, I'd personally recommend buying new. After twenty odd years of using an Anschutz with Parker Hale mod, which was a great combo, I swapped to a CZ sillhouette and SAK mod a couple of years ago, and to be honest I wish I'd done it sooner. This combo will definitely perform well for the type of shooting you'll be doing.
  9. I was just about to say well done....................Then I saw your tally, jammy b***ard lol. Seriously though, that's cracking stuff, and you only get out of this game what you put in . And there's often something interesting and unusual turns up, like the sleeping Fox. Good read
  10. It's breaking news, Liverpool have suddenly done a u turn on the whole issue, and in an effort to prove they're a multi racial and cultural club, are getting rid of Suarez in January. They're sending him to Tianjin Teda FC in a swap + cash deal. In return they're getting a striker who kenny Dalglish describes as 'The biggest thing in Chinese football', and 'I've seen him play, and he's a real handful'.
  11. It's the Adamantine skeleton. The bears hurt their teeth on it! :laugh:
  12. It just so happens that many people doubted my little Dog, but I'm proud to say that he proved them all wrong...
  13. Cant see it......does that mean a big hail stone could potentailly kill you? I can't remember where I saw it but I seem to remember reading that someone was killed by a hailstone.. I'm off to look it up now FFS, Never mind bullets, after reading this I'm not going out in a hailstorm ever again! : http://en.wikipedia....adly_hailstorms ..........come on ffs! Skycat said a 'small peeble'......some of they storms are reported hail as big as bloody grapefruits....... I like hail funnily enough......join in if you like "Hail, Hail the Celts are here"....... It's a very sim
  14. I know it's a slightly sick thing to joke about, but did anyone notice that in the bike picture, they've got their packed lunch with them?
  15. Cant see it......does that mean a big hail stone could potentailly kill you? I can't remember where I saw it but I seem to remember reading that someone was killed by a hailstone.. I'm off to look it up now FFS, Never mind bullets, after reading this I'm not going out in a hailstorm ever again! : http://en.wikipedia....adly_hailstorms ..........come on ffs! Skycat said a 'small peeble'......some of they storms are reported hail as big as bloody grapefruits....... I like hail funnily enough......join in if you like "Hail, Hail the Celts are here"....... It's a very sim
  16. I did wonder when I passed these heading out from Dover The rest are probably following later
  17. Cant see it......does that mean a big hail stone could potentailly kill you? I can't remember where I saw it but I seem to remember reading that someone was killed by a hailstone.. I'm off to look it up now FFS, Never mind bullets, after reading this I'm not going out in a hailstorm ever again! : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_costly_or_deadly_hailstorms
  18. Cant see it......does that mean a big hail stone could potentailly kill you? I can't remember where I saw it but I seem to remember reading that someone was killed by a hailstone.. I'm off to look it up now
  19. In the words of private James frazer....... 'We're all doomed'
  20. I think the point some of us are trying to make is that it doesn't matter whether it is cruel or not, one culture should not interfere with another. Debates on this subject could go on forever, but in saying that it's ok for another culture to commit acts of cruelty, is it not like saying that we're not all Human beings, but a collection of sub species? IMO there are some practices that although I disagree with, I think that it'd be wrong to interfere with, on the basis of one man's wrong being another mans right, but I strongly believe there are some things that are wrong no matter what
  21. Especially if your fella's a tattooist http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3967502/Tatt-poo-for-cheating.html Though it would've been better across her forehead
  22. Like many things, cruelty can be defined in lots of different ways, but I don't see that by calling it 'Culture' it makes it any less barbaric, or necessary. And I don't think that our animal husbandry or other rearing practices can in any way be compared to a slow and very painful death. We've come a long way in just a few thousand years, from the time when Humans were at a very similar level to many of the other animals roaming the planet struggling for survival, but I think in many ways some 'cultures' have moved much slower than others. I've also got to wonder what cooking an anima
  23. After reading every possible book, magazine, and internet hunting site, and getting very confused by all the conflicting advice on which breed is best for which job, I decided that whatever the quarry, training and preparation of your Dog will be the biggest factor as to how successful you are. With this, and a few other things learned from my search, I decided I wanted a real 'all rounder' from a good line. So, after speaking to dozens of very reputable and extremely knowledgeable people who regularly have Puppies and fully trained Dogs, advertised in all the for sale sections of all the mag
  24. My thoughts exactly. I don't care what anyone thinks, cooking it alive just isn't necessary
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