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Everything posted by kenny14

  1. Look for tracks along the waters' edge, and scats in prominant places. You could also try a Mink raft tethered in the pond, if there are Mink around they'll soon investigate it and leave tracks in the clay pad.
  2. Phone or not, they're nice pics . You've obviously got better weather than we're having, Id've needed an underwater camera it's chucking it down that much!
  3. kenny14


    A bloke I used to know married a veggie...for some reason told her that he'll also become a veggie, but every week went round to his mums for a meal and she cooked him steak. He's been married to her for 13 years and has kept up the pretence for all that time that he's a veggie.....what a spineless twat! Well if they've got kids she must've been playing around 'cos for some things a set of bollocks are a necessity!
  4. Spot on. 'Nature red in tooth and claw' is one of the most accurate of sayings.
  5. kenny14


    I know a couple of men who are meat eaters but aren't allowed to have meat in the house because their partners are vegetarian! No way would I put up with that, if I was living with a veggie I'd respect that they didn't want to eat meat, and wouldn't expect them to, and in turn I'd expect to be left in peace to eat my preffered diet. In my book respect works both ways .
  6. Almost certainly Corvid, and more likely Magpie if the shells were under cover, as they more readily go into bushes etc, and Carrions usually prefer to take them into a bit more open area.
  7. When I read 'We back onto a cemetry and get allsorts in our yard' I was expecting a pic of a f***ing zombie or something! . Nice pics though, and you've learned what many Bird lovers don't realise, and that's that many of the 'cute little birds' are not averse to a bit of canibalism. That's a male in your pic by the way, and probably fed the Blue Tit chicks to his offspring.
  8. You've just eaten.................................................. RAT :laugh:
  9. Chased this fella lurking around the hens the other night, perhaps he's moved onto your mates......... Looks as though he could've been chewing on tin sheets.
  10. I'm pretty sure it won't be getting any older! But I'd agree it's not an old deer. Checking the teeth can also give an idea, as too can the greying around the muzzle, but TBH ageing Roe accurately isn't that simple.
  11. Sounds like you've just been unlucky to have one who's not that good talking to people. Don't despair though, by what you say about your lifestyle I think you'll get your ticket. Good luck anyway .
  12. kenny14


    Hypocrites ..............Perhaps their motto is 'What you don't see doesn't hurt you'.
  13. kenny14


    It's commendable that you want to get some sport, but to coin a phrase - 'the only good Mink is a dead one'. They can spell the end for many native species if they're allowed to settle in anywhere. IMO all available methods should be used to eradicate them from the British countryside. I totally agree, but some methods are just more enjoyable than others. Not being a dick, but i get very little to no pleasure from shooting anything, and even less so shooting a caged animal. I am no anti before anyone cries about it, i just believe that if something needs to be eradicated, and that eradi
  14. kenny14


    It's commendable that you want to get some sport, but to coin a phrase - 'the only good Mink is a dead one'. They can spell the end for many native species if they're allowed to settle in anywhere. IMO all available methods should be used to eradicate them from the British countryside.
  15. It's suprising any woman finishes the London marathon at all.................. considering the ammount of shops they have to pass
  16. kenny14


    Stick a trap out for the knight,you will be suprised at the amount of them about. It's Mink he's after, not Sir f***ing Lancelot
  17. I agree.....your misses takes some beating..... It's no secret that there's some 'birds' you aren't too fond of but I never had you down as a wife beater, shame on you :laugh: Back to the original topic, I've never tasted a meat I don't like and I find it hard to choose what my favourite is.
  18. Countryside, coast, standard of living, I could go on. In fact I love Britain and I'm proud to say I'm British
  19. sounds a bit fishy :laugh: If it doesn't get old charlie running, all the local cats'll be following
  20. kenny14


    Many vegies claim that 'we can get all the vitamins, protein etc from vegetables and nuts, so there's no need to eat meat'. In part that's true, but our digestive system can't extract and convert many of these as efficiently as it can from meat. I always look at it this way - On the African savanah, all the herbivores, Wildebeest, Buffalo, Atelope etc spend the vast majority of their time eating grass and other vegetation. While carnivores such as Lions, Leopards and wild Dogs are either hunting, sleeping or on the lookout for a mate...... Bit of a no brainer really! I read somewhere
  21. kenny14


    Many vegies claim that 'we can get all the vitamins, protein etc from vegetables and nuts, so there's no need to eat meat'. In part that's true, but our digestive system can't extract and convert many of these as efficiently as it can from meat. I always look at it this way - On the African savanah, all the herbivores, Wildebeest, Buffalo, Atelope etc spend the vast majority of their time eating grass and other vegetation. While carnivores such as Lions, Leopards and wild Dogs are either hunting, sleeping or on the lookout for a mate...... Bit of a no brainer really!
  22. kenny14


    She obviously did her research before applying for the job! Probably thought an abbatoir was an animals retirement home :laugh:
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