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About trojan

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 07/10/1972

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  • Interests
    falconry and strongman
  1. Goshawks are very adictive aren't they . it wasn't a ideal way to breed a bird in a weathering but it was the only way she would stand. when I see the P/R youngsters in the aviary like this after Hatching them and watching them being reared from a chick its sad when they all have to go, one pic if of 3 Finn x German females and the other is a Large Pure Finn female next to a Finn x German female, also a picture of a male from the previouse year a brother to Millets bird.... Jasper you have pm
  2. trojan


    i have decided to get a gos next season,reading millets and jaspers posts have made my mind up,i was wondering if anyone could let me know of some reputable breeders out there.cheers
  3. trojan

    falconry dvds

    anyone got any good falconry dvds for sale,also looking for any books on goshawks?
  4. trojan

    New bird

    i fined males too week sometimes they might not go in for the rabbit but you can get good males just i would always have a femail from expereance ben i have only flown females also until this year i got a male,i have trained and successfully flown f.harrises,saker falcon,and a redtail but this male is a handful! he was flyin free ,entered and following me around like the kids on payday then all of a sudden was acting like he was never trained so i have gone back to basics again,but thats the name of the game if it was easy everyone would be doin it.good luck and i hope it goes well for u
  5. trojan


    nice one jasper,thanks
  6. trojan


    does anyone think some breeders are breeding birds from the same pair for too long and not ever hunting again with the pair,does this affect the quality of the offspring?
  7. sorry to hear bout john hope he sorts himself out,saker is an animal i dont fly her the traditional way,have her on mostly rabbits crows and the odd gull ,flies from the fist,bird is happy im happy the traditionalists probably not,hey check me out on youtube doin stones and truckpull ,"manimal and trojan" keep in touch bud and thanks for introducing me to the sometimes frustratin but always mesmirising sport of kings
  8. cant get rid of a bad thing,still doin strongman 3rd last two years gettin on a bit now thinkin of retirin,still doin security,nice rifle u have for sale ,is johnny still flyin?,flyin a saker and harrises this season had a redtail for two seasons sold him on ,new male awkward so and so never had as much grief have to start over with him feedin him up and startin again ,any decent lampin equipment around for sale
  9. is that u pal ,ha ,hows things are u still kickin butts and flyin birds
  10. i brought the male up to 630g and now he is comin but smackin the glove a right stroppy bugger so to cheer myself up i went lampin tonight with my female,not a great night for it but she still bagged 2
  11. i have fed him extra to bring him back up hopefully over the next few days i will get him sorted,has anyone got hawkworks e-mail address their webpage is down and iwant to order a few bits and pieces
  12. that is my fear too i was out today and flushed a few rabbits and the harris flew them no problem but returning to the fist was
  13. thanks for replying,had thought that might be the way to go but their is nothing like reassurance from another falconer.
  14. i have flown harrises for about 7 years i recently bought a male having always flown females.the problem i have is that this bird who started flying free 3 weeks ago has started blanking me when free.his flying weight was 620g and was very responsive then he decided just to sit in a tree and completely ignore me so i thought i would drop him to 610g after three sessions of him ignoring me but he is still unresponsive,any ideas?have never had this problem with females.
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