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About chickenman

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Regarding the biscuits. Biscuits that take on water and expand are full of grain products, hence the reason they expand, some have as little as 3% meat in them...even that is meat derivative...ie all the sinew etc. Research some of the popular brands and you will think twice about feeding them your dog. Also the chances of worm from pork etc is minimal....dont forget to worm your dogs with a vet supplied worming tablet even if you dont feed raw meat.
  2. Also look up ' Raw Prey Model Diet ' on the net...some good tips and it differs from the bark diet. One thing to remember is dont give the dog processed bones...ie dried or smoked..too brittle and try to see if the pup will a raw rib or two...great for the teeth. Best also to avoid weight bearing bones such as cow legs as like steel to a dogs teeth! Oh and the raw problem could be a texture isssue...remember dogs feel with their mouths and are so head strong if they dont like the texture they can be stubborn. Try and give the dog some frozen meat, it will do no harm....its a meat lolly to the
  3. My Border is exactly the same. We want her to eat raw but she sometimes eats food then the next meal it is Devil food to her, the same applies to kibble etc. Some dogs just dont have huge appetites. Have you tried cooking the food in the microwave for say a mnute or less? that can sometimes work. Also some meats are very strong in flavour , kidnney and the like. It is good to see your trying raw food as the dog ill benifit from it, you will notice from the very start by the dogs stools....the wont reak to high heaven as dogs fed on some of the trash passed off as dog food.
  4. Also depends on the distance your shooting as alot of rubbish spoken about flat shooting bullets, just because a bullet is small doesnt mean it is flat shooting! Does it really matter if a bullet drops a midges nadger at normal shooting distances?? Also if you are long range shooting a heavy bullet will be flatter than a lighter bullet.
  5. Yes I make have some I have made for sale. They just need sheaths making, afraid I dont do leather sheaths now as it kills my fingers so I do them in Kydex. If you are interested PM me and we can have a chat. I tend to make knives then display them if anyone wants to buy as such rather than make bespoke as I just do this for a hobby at the moment.
  6. Hi If I remember it is a 1 in 12 twist. If your interested let me know and I will check.
  7. Hi I am afraid I only make my own knives as putting handles on just is not worth the hassles as it would take time and not be worth the hassle. Why dont you have a bash at doing it yourself??
  8. Hi...I remember you purchasing that blade...I had a message from a pal of your wanting a knife but he never got back to me. Glad your knife you made is serving you well.
  9. Cheers for the comments gents. To answer a couple of your comments.....very well spotted as regards to Dorset Woodlands blades, Duncan who makes those blades is my buddy and it is he who supplies me the blanks. For those who dont know a blank is the billet of metal in the shape of a knife but no edge, the edge I grind later. Not only that, Duncan taught me how to grind blanks into blades and so without doubt I will have picked up some of his traits when making a blade. The handles, well they actually look far better in the 'flesh' as such. The lighter colour is Corian and the swirl pattern is
  10. Just posting a few knives I have made, the ones here were last year as I had a break from making knives. All are 01 carbon steel on blanks I grind myself. All Razor sharp, you can actually shave with them ...if your brave enough
  11. Used once....in house for a guest...never outside or in mud. This chair is like brand new and still has the boot cover. This is a huge bed! £85 Dorset
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