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About welshdragen

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 28/09/1987

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  1. Thanks for the comments he going well at the moment he doing what I asked of him get him to stick a pic up Paul
  2. me bull x pup 8 weeks old me bull x at 17mounths old me bull x bitch at 3 1/2 year old
  3. Thank you budy much appreciated
  4. It's not for its feet mate it to harden scar tissue up mate
  5. Does any ov you lads and lasses know what the stuff is called that you put on running dogs feet to harden them up thanks for any help WD
  6. What's the stuff called that you put on greyhounds feet to harden them up any info will be appreciated cheers WD
  7. dogs not going any where mate will be a good dog when he going he just skity round stuff he aint seen or herd [bANNED TEXT] mate he improved quite a bit over the few days iv had him hopefully this skityness will pass with time never had a dog thats been nervus [bANNED TEXT]
  8. iv recently bought a deer/beddi/greyh x bull/grey but he quite skity he is 13 month old never seen any thing in the field yet but any thing that makes a loud noies or moves quickly by him he trys to bolt have any ov you had the same sort ov thing if so how did you get the dog over it cheers WD
  9. gutted iv just got off the phone with me mate and he aint able to go so thats me not going to
  10. gutted just got off the phone with me mate and he aint able to go so thats me not going have good time ppl
  11. you will finde it all on the web site mate selbygamefair.com
  12. ill be the from the friday till monday cant wait
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