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About rattingrob

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  1. Just about to come and post the good news myself Rob
  2. whats the circumstances? was she stolen or has she run off? hope you find her soon, atb x Hello, She isn't mine so from what I understand she was there one minute and gone the next. Will pass on everyone's advice though as 150miles is a bit of a trip for us to make to help search for her, she belongs to friends who have other sighthounds, DOT was just a pet for the youngest son, they kept her from an accidental mating 2 years ago. No news as of yet so they're going out with posters, with any luck someone's seen her and taken her straight to the nearest police station withi
  3. Very distinctive girl, missing since around 2pm this afternoon (14th Nov 08) from the Dunston area of Gateshead. The young boy she belongs to has been searching for her since he finished school today, understandably he is devastated. I would hazard a guess that DOT is around 21" tts, please keep an eye out for her. Contact number 07900438231
  4. Even though I know nothing about Whippets, I do know that big dogs and little dogs don't have the same amount of blood! They produce the amount of blood required by the body(hence the fact you can donate it!). With muscles of that size their probably carrying pints more than a standard Whippet! Even things like veins would be much larger due to the blood flow to the larger muscles(compare a guys forearm to that of a woman) One thing though you would of thought they'd have quite high blood pressures? (when the muscles contract and force the blood back into the veins) I believe cramps are caus
  5. I should not think a breeder would breed a single gened whippet intentionally. If everyone did it then years down the line there's a basket load of trouble in the gene pool as every dog would be single gened with the potential of producing Bully pups in future matings. Responsible breeders would not want this to happen, culling of "useless" Bully pups in a litter just to get single gened ones and you're heading down the path of some "pedigree" breeds that have known genetic defects and pups carrying the defect (or not in the case of ridgebacks) are simply pts within the first few weeks of life
  6. Tend to find a "bully" whippet cannot stick the pace and is slower than the half/half whippets. There have been a few in the racing and for the majority 150yds is just too far for them and they will drop off behind at about -100yds. Bully's can also tend to be more susceptable to cramps, the same amount of blood as a non-bully trying to carry the same amount of oxygen around two or three times more muscle cells. Note: Not to be confused with Bull x Ghd or Bull x Whippet.
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