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Everything posted by chimp

  1. good game , i hope they dont fight that hard next week tho
  2. brian-911 mmmmm 911 he must be a 'fed' lol ffs cant believe i just said 'fed' lol
  3. chimp

    I PAD

    have you had problems with skype ? i can be seen and heard in video by the other end and i can only hear from the ipad . seems a common problem . thats apple for you i suppose
  4. noticed how everyone is more intrested in the tune then that stupid circus dog
  5. well at least england played better then last time , martin johnson thinks different tho ' sloppy win' ouch
  6. trouble in the ranks at the bnp , they wont be around for long now .
  7. whats this got to with running dogs ? also i think your full of shite . did you put ' a cap in da ass of the 'feds' aswell' your da man lol
  8. no its ok it will bring the gear back live to hand lol what difference does that make? Some of the hardest dogs iv witnessed work would still return the humble bunny like they had an egg they didn't want to smash. How do you train a dog to just stop chasing? I can understand stock breaking a dog but game breaking, to me its a pointless thing. If you don't want to catch it don't run it i did ask if it brings back 'everything' back live to hand not just bunnies.
  9. no its ok it will bring the gear back live to hand lol
  10. does your 70lb bullx bring everything back live to hand ?
  11. nice bag , watch the uproar over the hare lol come on ian you know they are for dogmen only
  12. only brick wall in my place if the fire and chimney , mine has to go up against that
  13. just got the call , looks as tho im working away for a bit .

  14. it's a toxin for dogs and fucks the liver quite nicely .
  15. chimp


    let me get this right your going with your lurcher ?? good luck with that
  16. f**k all the squeaky toy bollox , get one of these and be done with it . http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4cf9eeadb7 nice and gently depending on how far away they are , 2 second bursts for 10 seconds at a time but this could be different everytime , you will learn to start and stop squealing by looking at the foxes actions. i dont rate the bar which you bite down on, ok for getting the attention of a long fox then i swop to the brass disc. failing that use the back of you hand
  17. not like u rifle boys thought u would have splated them all by nw. come on lads get on m. U WANKERS. what makes you think im just into guns? unlike yourself i support / take part in as many forms of fieldsports i can . but thanks for the feedback anyway. everytime i get a negative comment i just shoot a hare in anger ( it's makes me all warm inside)
  18. roll on the winds tonight

  19. if they dont pay , be nice about it and say ok fair enough but you need to quickly touch up with some pva , get in the house and start taking down the plaster that is worth the amount they knocked you for . f**k em
  20. i love duck and goose shooting , im crap at it mind but love it . you wouldnt believe the loads i was using last year and you could hear the pellets whistling thru there wings. good write up
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