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Everything posted by chimp

  1. yep i agree irresponsiible , i really feel uneasy when i see a 67 yard bird taken out of a tree , not 'if' but 'when' you miss where the hell is that pellet going (i will pre-answer that myself ... nothing for miles behind .... am i close?) what exactly are you proving doing long shots on live quarry? every twat and his gat gun will be trying what they saw the 'great' zini do on thl . 40yard for quarry is recommended with an airrifle , right tools for the job springs to mind . we all know what happens in the field but why air it on the busiest hunting forum on the net ? irrespons
  2. i laid in a bath of baby rats oops i mean mice hoping they were going to eat me alive but alas im still here , im going to set up a fly cam and palm them off as vultures
  3. lol no no let the big game hunters think they are a brood of rats ffs this is a proper funny thread .
  4. When I joined up there was another guy joined up about the same time called bigredbusa who used to spend a fair bit of time posting in here iirc.. did he shoot mice ? he sounds a douche aswell who probably killed himself.
  5. ive had a really good week and im bouncing which is so unlike me , to get me back into a depressive state again i know the big game hunters of the airgun section would do the trick. i now want to kill myself once again. there are some proper douche bags on here
  6. i look after the people who look after you
  7. i would of loved to have shot that
  8. Yeah but your a failed dogman anyway aint ye that's common knowledge :laugh: have i ever proclaimed to be a dogman?? find me a post that states so , anyway hedz havent you got some arse kissing to do elsewhere or will they be along shortly ? a good hare is a shot hare end off
  9. the six nations android app is a bit pants
  10. really what is the problem , a lot of dogmen crying over a scabby?? i shoot them on sight but i am lucky enough to have lots round me , while driving up the A1 the other day i saw quite a few lads walking the fields and coursing stuff in full view of the motorway , now who are the thick fucks if they cant even keep it under wraps and moan like little bitches when it comes on top .
  11. im still having nightmares about that lol this is cambridgeshire i do a lot around cambourne,a few there to im pretty close to you
  12. because guns have only just been invented havent they , come on hedz give your head a shake
  13. im still having nightmares about that lol this is cambridgeshire
  14. is it me or has anyone else seen a huge incline in hares this year. its getting to the point of taking the same amount of hares as it rabbits round here .we are seeing 7 - 8 hares in one field. a mate went out yesterday 10 hares 10 rabbits and 2 foxes and it similar each time he goes out which is 3 - 4 times a week.
  15. you have a young un , kill the dog and dont pass on a man biter
  16. i feel as tho i need some jabs for hepititas whats north wales like for digs??
  17. well im in wales and manchester next week , and i havent many bad ones in wales now manchester maybe intresting . edit . just been told ive got to go up scotland again soon , the boss said it laughing ..... oh pay back is gonna be a bitch mind you i did see a few stags while i was there so made it worth while , and whats with the goats everywhere?? i did try bowling one over in the van but had a close call with a sheer drop and im sure i heard the little horned beastie laughing as i slid all over the road
  18. prior to this i havent had much work in scotland , now without trying to sound a bit up myself but i come away wanting to paint my face blue and scream ' freeedooommm' in everyones face. needless to say i made sure we stayed in novotels and premier inns for a few days , saying that the b&b in aultbea was nice but once again the landlords get quite excited when someone rocks up in there sleepy village and the board they charge obviously keeps the rest of the villagers in smack for a while.
  19. i just had to share this with the people who are thinking of shooting or fishing in tain and need somewhere to stay. my job involves a lot of working away and this week have been in the highlands in various places and stay in different places most days. we looked on the satnav and saw a place called bonar , as being big kids the name made us chuckle and thought it would be great to say we stayed in bonar, we called them a day before and booked a couple of rooms which just so happened is meant to be digs for shooters and fisherman alike so i would of enjoyed the stay gassing about huntng e
  20. gotta love the plinkers getting way to serious , oooohhh look at me and my sub 12ft lb shooting rabbits at 300 yards .........
  21. it will be kept at under 12ft lb im sure . every air rifle has the potential of being tuned to go over , just so happens this one can be turned up and down for different weight pellets etc find a pellet your happy with and blank it off . simples
  22. ha ha f*****g ha , yep its the last time i buy flowers..... it couldnt of got any worse from start to finish . on the plus side she saw the funny side of it and infact i was round there last night
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