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Everything posted by chimp

  1. lol @ proxy , do you think that is safe from the goverment then ? good luck with that
  2. So on the basis of a phone diagnosis you put the dog down. In my experience vets always give worse case scenario.....but to put a dog down on the basis of a phone conversation was premature imo. Seen many a dog come back from broken legs despite the vet saying otherwise. i started to read this and thought to myself who will be the first person (or how long ) to leave a negative comment . i think the lads done the right thing
  3. Our Father who art in Prison, only Mum knows his name, Thy riots come, read it in the Sun, In Birmingham as it is in London. Give us this day, our Welfare bread and forgive us our looting as we are happy to loot those who defend stuff against us.Lead us not into employment but deliver us free housing. For thine is the spliff, the Blackberry and the Lager.For Ever and Ever...Innit!!!

  4. way i see it a few pints will alter your judgement on things , leave the f*****g thing at home . a few pints in car is bad enough but carrying a f*****g gun !!! ffs i despair of some of the posts on here
  5. luton by the end of the week , marsh farm will be loving all this
  6. i wont look at the link but i bet you on about balut eggs mmmmmm duck lol
  7. dealing with flystrike , eeewwwwww

    1. Ideation


      Ah shit mate, did you spray them for it? It's fecking horrible when it gets a hold and little that can be done. Need to spray them regularly with this heat etc, and dag them well.

    2. chimp


      pisses me off a bit because they are this years so i havent bothered to shear them , lesson learned.

      i sprayed them and the other one that has a bit of strike should be maggot free in a day or two

    3. Ideation


      This year has been bad for it mate, warm and wet. Wouldn't usually shear this years, but that's the way it's going. Shame mate.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  8. Hanging out of my arse , what a weekend. now i know why i dont like drinking , f**k hair of the dog ... it sucks serious balls

    1. fireman


      I don't drink very often at all and i had a pint and a half on friday night and even that was a never again feeling come saturday morning,lol.

    2. Lab


      of what??????????

    3. fireman


      I had only pissy beer,stella,pmsl and i only used to drink special brew.

  9. saw this about a year ago and my thoughts of him still havent changed , he will end up taking someone else out along with him self. ghost rider maybe old hat but the fella knew how to ride fast and safe , this guy doesnt.
  10. only about 5 years old that pic , keep up the good work
  11. im married so infact ive been paying for it for years but if you do the math ive been f****d over (excuse the pun) for some time, there was a time i would say no but these days i can see the attraction
  12. i never knew about the 6 mile bit , cheers
  13. im quite partial to frocks , coz im a ladyyyyyy
  14. Unlicensed vehicles are not permitted to run on public roads under any circumstances. HMRC will take legal action if such a vehicle is found on public roads using red diesel. Other offences beyond the scope of HMRC responsibility may also be committed if such a vehicle runs on public roads, even if road fuel (‘white diesel’) is being used. the above is if your using a SORN on the road so it is legal
  15. noooooooo they start crying if it goes in the wrong section lol
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