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Everything posted by chimp

  1. chimp

    pit pup

    i can hear it now ' you said it was a f*****g pit !! '
  2. dinner and it has to be thai , crispy fish and a good green or red curry. noooooooo seafood paella maybe
  3. ffs charlie runs into me and then dog finishes me off , twice in a f*****g week now. think it hates me

  4. it's a vitara it's meant to rust lol
  5. leroy?, jamal? yep they can go in the list lol
  6. winston , tyrone , ice cube , reggae reggae sauce, snoop , muhammed , allah , gandi , sanji
  7. i use a stick and ive met penny , hardly crime of the century is it ? im sure she wouldnt hold it against you for doing your own thing.
  8. chimp


    i met one of this edl in the pub at the weekend , he just spent a spell inside for football related stuff .... funny that
  9. ive seen some big dude rabbits for sale over at melton market , the rabbit farms over here use a new zealand breed
  10. i have a new on the market gizmo i use for mice , it's a quick kill and i dont have to be there waiting for it to come out. it's called a mouse trap maybe i should do a section on mice in my up and coming dvd
  11. ive seen the motor in question and looks really smart in nato green .
  12. yeah i love just taking hares and rabbits to stop the dogmen going for em , cant wait til we hit hares hard . the fox was a cracker too , squealed it from 500 yards across a massive perfectly flat field , you the know the type of field , the sort that you know there is no way on earth it's getting away from the dog but i thought 'feck it' just shoot it , it didnt stand a chance against a 17 that close at 30 yards. just how i like it. and the deer we saw !! dont get me started lol , they will be saved for the 243 anyway the land owners happy and the money we get from the game dealer
  13. why would you want a pic of a smackhead on you?
  14. going to be so wasted in 3 hours time then may run the dog on gruffalos for a laugh

    1. Malt


      They're scared of mice man! No real test for a dog IMO..

  15. it's only been the last couple of years i have ben watching rugby and i really dont know why i havent watched it any sooner , so much better then watching a bunch of over paid fannies prancing round a pitch falling over if another player looks at them funny. more to the point where the f**k do i get one of these in a l / xl
  16. i had forgotton about the catty lol i promise i will do another one soon with maybe a little video aswell i have 500 rabbits to get rid of and a silly amount of hares and pigeons and i just saw the game dealer in the village in a refrigerated berlingo , whats the f*****g point in that ? you will be lucky to fit 50 rabbits in it
  17. yeah i love just taking hares and rabbits to stop the dogmen going for em , cant wait til we hit hares hard . the fox was a cracker too , squealed it from 500 yards across a massive perfectly flat field , you the know the type of field , the sort that you know there is no way on earth it's getting away from the dog but i thought 'feck it' just shoot it , it didnt stand a chance against a 17 that close at 30 yards. just how i like it. and the deer we saw !! dont get me started lol , they will be saved for the 243 anyway the land owners happy and the money we get from the game dealer
  18. gamedealer for most , may keep a couple of clean ones back for myself
  19. i.m working on a site and this was found , think the driver must of shit himself when he dug it up as the place was also heavly bombed during ww2 they have been pulling out viels of morphine and other drugs from the ground , pretty hazardous ground just waiting for a few limbs to turn up and my life will be complete
  20. i couldnt let masmiffy go around shooting all the foxes so we plugged some ourselves last night with a few other furry critters. cz HMR
  21. if im not mistaken horoyoshiII/III does a lot of ink for the yakuza. i love that style of ink
  22. i just walked out of the lounge , the day was bad enough , why re-live it ? only on tv to make money ... f**k that
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