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chimp last won the day on January 13 2011

chimp had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

299 Excellent

About chimp

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. 20g needed . Escort semi etc . Not too fussed about condition as long as it shoots 100%
  2. and i stayed well away from this
  3. if it helps i just had this
  4. well if he is about and reading this could you please PM me . thanks
  5. as above really , anyone seen or heard from him? thx
  6. sitting on a beach burning thinking of all you

    1. GrCh
    2. paulus


      thought it was illegal to burn wire now...lol

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ0n7uC7pRI&feature=related
  8. chimp

    cscs test

    You have got to be pretty thick to fail that lol
  9. chimp

    cscs test

    You have got to be pretty thick to fail that lol
  10. some of the norwich fans are a tad upset lol to me it pretty much sums up football http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqXwq71PyMo
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