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Everything posted by Penda

  1. Penda


    Iv used every filter and theres no doubt by far the red is the best when i was a youth the first thing i got told was get urself a red filter its the only way to lamp
  2. I told 1 of the best remedys to sooth the kennel cough and to help with it is honey supposed to be very good!
  3. Watch this space geeze thats all iv gotta say every ship has to sink and it aint even christmas yet plenty of time to sink ya
  4. Enjoy it while it lasts mate the blue boys are having that top spot your just warming it up for us
  5. Iv seen quite a thew rabbits like this sumtimes the moms chew them off when theyre kitts in the nest its usaually young mothers that do it though,or it cud be down 2 inbreeding GOD DAM RED NECK RABBITS!!!
  6. Im glad this site hasnt shut down or i wouldnt of been able to join today.
  7. Thanks lads i feel realy welcome here il have to try and put sum pics up of me dogs and ferrets!
  8. Hello to every1 on the hunting life my names penda im into me lurchers and terriers and abit of ferreting well alot of ferreting iv neva been on a frorum before iv had dogs and ferrets since i was a wee lad hunting and country life has always been a big part of my life even though im a city boy!
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