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Everything posted by Penda

  1. Iv got a small bull greyhound staff whippet bitch shes a great bitch 1 of the best iv had gets stook into anything when i 1st had her i didnt think much of her after a little perswashion with a moggy she soon got the hang of it and she just keeps exselling
  2. Your full of sh*t ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  3. Top dogs mate iv got beddy in my dogs they do the lot fox roe fallow muntjac hare rabbit iv neva known 1 to give toungue to be honest with ya ideal lamping and rabbiting dog
  4. Iv had and bolted foxes out of wet places mainly marshes
  5. Whoosh!!!!! hotting up my piches
  6. Yes yes little jack got stuck in daint he hes a great little worker
  7. Hunting (poaching) has been in my family for years my grandad was a city boy from carlow when he met my nan who was a country girl her brother mick who was a top class poacher in fact he was deadly showed me grandad how it was done obviously then he passed it onto my dad who loves ferreting,lurchers,terriers,shooting everything he dont go out much now but i think i make up for the both of us i started when i was an ankle bitter ferreting mainly and lamping and im still as keen now as i was then i love it
  8. Fairplay lads nother good days bushing for yas youve had a good week so far mate
  9. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  10. Nice 1 mate good day for the terriers i mite let ya join team A with me ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
  11. Its all horses for courses lads the fact of the matter is there are some smashing dogs on the fens are there are smashing dogs that have never seen the fens either way there all good dogs if they catch hares!!!!
  12. What can i say accept its the pray drive in me that keeps me going lads MAD FARR IT!!!!!!!!
  13. From watching her the last thew times out that dog is gona have it i garantee yah mate!!!
  14. Wernt this geeza in 1 of them crime watch recreations!!!!
  15. Who did they get there windows done with thats good glass
  16. Fair play mate i love bringing pups on nothing better then watching a pup learn its trade
  17. I can sleep when im dead ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  18. Fairplay lads nice morning there they all work as a good team i must say keep up the good work
  19. Me and my mate went out for a quick shine not much out then we had a call on this lovely field and whoops there it is abit phistey ,pulled up at this housing estate and skulking through the trees was a lovely munty i had to restrain my self from doing the nessassery!!!
  20. Well done moter youve got sum mint dogs ya love dem foxes well ya dogs do ha ha ha ha ha ha i aint been in the chat room for a while not allowed for abit had a thew good nights me self not as bigger numbers as you lot though thatl come in good time keep it up
  21. Went out the night after in the frost only had the 1 run and had a lovely vixen admitedly it was doubled up but when there aint gona be alot about i do do it
  22. The best dogs are bred by accident and accidents do happen fair play to ya lads tally ho!
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