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Everything posted by steviebhoy

  1. Cracking tune that even better when you have not heard it for a wee while. For a minute there a wiz 20 again and dancing away in ma local nightclub. Ah they were the days :dance:
  2. No chance of getting your stickers of a 'pirate' then mate........ooooooooohhhhhh aaaaaarrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Get your 'bloody' money out then you pair........!
  4. 12 hours is probably the max you will get away with it as long as it has not ben opened at any time. Best of luck tho'
  5. We had 50.2% this year, we are in mid Wales Lisa where abouts lisa??? Somebody has a few neighbouring shoots by the sounds of it?
  6. Landrover defender 90 TD5 and L200 Warrior
  7. Sorry to hear about your dog mate. Was up that way today and had a drive through star to see if i could catch a glimpse of her but no luck. Hope all ends well.
  8. Bob goes to see his doctor and asks him if he has ever laughed at a patient? "In over 20 years i haven't because i do my very best to remain professional". With that Bob dropped his trousers revealing the tiniest willy the Doc had ever seen, it wasn't any bigger than a AAA battery. The Doc burst out laughing and a after a few minutes while he wiped away the tears he took a deep breath and said " I'm sorry, i really am, i dont know what came over me. I promise you it wont happen again. Now what seems to be the problem? Bob said...........
  9. In all honesty should a post like this not be an instant ban? What a load of f###ing nonsense
  10. I wont go by BF Goodrich mud terrains mate. Great off road tyre, no road noise and you get 50,000 out of them. Not sure of prices but would imagine a set of 4 would set you back £450-500.
  11. Probably a fox that ate most off it but crows and buzzards would strip it to the bone?
  12. Cracking post jasper and i will keep all that in mind but on your Virkon piece i was told different. I also used Virkon in the cleaning of my incubators and hatchers and was told to stop that as it corrodes metal, this was by the guy from Marcon. I had been noticing my hatchers water trays were becoming pitted and after stopping the Virkon it stopped the problem. I spoke to a keeper i know who also had the same problem and he too was using Virkon. Before i go though i must say that Virkon is the dogs nuts on anything from cleaning equip' to drinking water. Cheers
  13. steviebhoy


    what did u think i was goin on about Right before you are ripped to shreds here bud you need to give a few more details on what kind of dog you are after. Like what type, what sex, maybe what you want to use it for? Give us a chance eh!!!!
  14. steviebhoy


    Dear oh dear ................................
  15. You have eventually got round to showing yourself then MRF.......? Am sure you'll get the hang off it pretty quickly but for f##ks sake try not to fall out with anyone.
  16. Well keep banging them up on here bud there all good to see
  17. had a few inches through the night and now its on proper..........looks like the sky is pretty full as well? Out for a wee play in the landy' later on i think? Oh thats fife area by the way.
  18. And i suppose if the ferret had a woolly jersey and a stupid hat on that would be better?
  19. Thanks mate i must admit when i read your post i was gutted but i did want advice and thats what you gave me even if it wasnt what i wanted to hear, i am new to this game and want to learn all i can all the best Bobafet Dont panic Bobafet you are doing the right thing. If you buy good pheasant poults and look after them mate then you wont have any bother, after all we are only talking a few hens/cockrels and not mass numbers here. As for the 'magnet' to foxes i would have to disagree because old charlie boy will find your birds in the 1st or 2nd night with or without your hens/cockrels. Y
  20. Then dont bother to click into a post like this next time if it doesn't interest you
  21. Putting this post up for my cousin and i know nothing about the bike just pm me if you are interested and i will give you his number. Suzuki GSXR1000, its an 06 plate standard blue and white colouring. Looking for 5k ono in the fife area.
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