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About hodge

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    West midlands

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  1. I have seen a couple of your videos on YouTube really enjoy watching them mate. Wish I had that many rabbits to go at all the best Hodge.
  2. Great video mate really enjoyed it you done a good job clearing them rabbits out
  3. John that was the coldest night ever I’m still defrosting ones again mate thanks for the invite
  4. Cheers John for the invite had a cracking day
  5. Can you message me mate don’t know why it’s not letting me
  6. Alright mate what’s left mate Dog or bitch thanks hodge
  7. hodge


    Probably mate its because I had that cross before teckel x basset it’s just for bushing and ferreting so might look at a teckel see what’s about
  8. hodge


    Cheers mate I spoken to Wayne who runs them he never said he was breeding anything but he will listen out for me
  9. hodge


    Does anyone no someone who breeds teckel x basset hound all does anyone know a chap call Brian he used to breed them I think he’s from Herefordshire had pup off him about 8 years ago but lost is number any help would be appreciated thanks hodge
  10. We had a great day my pup worked well really pleased how she coming on marking sets at the end of the day ferrets worked well good banter can’t beat it cheers John
  11. Alright mate i am looking for 2 hob they will have a five star home cheers mate
  12. You no me Flacko always smiling ??
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