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Everything posted by ian

  1. ian

    gold pellets

    Cough! Gold mate, not brass any one have a idea on how heavy they are? 5.4 in .177 not sure in .22 10.9 in .22
  2. ian

    gold pellets

    Cough! Gold mate, not brass any one have a idea on how heavy they are? 5.4 in .177 not sure in .22
  3. i was looking on the net for new pellets to try and come across these look has anyone tryed them if so any good
  4. thats ite mate yer my hands are stung to bits i need to invest in a pair of gloves yer you be how to come out on sunday if im out mate im pritty much sure i am yer if ya out sunday i'll tag along
  5. i want to say thanks for taking me out with ya had a very good day out well worth getting stung the feck out of even the ones on my ass lol like i said very good day can't wait to do it again cheers bud
  6. whats it like with the v-mac kit on it as i'm thinking of getting one for my 97k how dose it inprove it??
  7. my mums staff caught a corn snake once brought it in to the house and she shit her self very funny
  8. ian

    eating crow

    i was surprised to see how many recipes there is for them look
  9. ian

    eating crow

    just a quick one after looking at recipes on the net i came across some for crows so has any one tryed eating crow if so is it nice would you reommend it or not
  10. ian

    tuning kit

    i dont want to increase the power i broke the spring took the gun apart to find the piston rubber needs replacing so mite as well get the kit right?
  11. can any one reconnend a tuning kit for my hw97k i was looking to get a venom kit but from what i can gaver there not about no more so any advice would be good thanks Ian
  12. dose any one no where i can find the serial number on my hw97k as i need it to order a tuning kit for it many thanks IAN
  13. ian

    My BSA

    have you checked the piston rubber??
  14. ian

    shoot more

    shoot more rabbit attractor scent by Steve Price has any one tryed it if so dose it work? shootmore
  15. if ya wasn't so fare away i would snap one up shame really
  16. Oh well its only a game no no it's more than just a game Calm down its only a game yer ok it is just a game but it would be nice to see wales kick there ass but not going to happen is it well get off the pc & go yell at the tv lol the tv right next to me the laptop and my beer but can't yell the baby asleep lol Dont wake the baby for goodnes sake well the baby is awake wales lost but fair play to them they played well
  17. Oh well its only a game no no it's more than just a game Calm down its only a game yer ok it is just a game but it would be nice to see wales kick there ass but not going to happen is it well get off the pc & go yell at the tv lol the tv right next to me the laptop and my beer but can't yell the baby asleep lol Dont wake the baby for goodnes sake well the baby is awake wales lost but fair play to them they played well
  18. Oh well its only a game no no it's more than just a game Calm down its only a game yer ok it is just a game but it would be nice to see wales kick there ass but not going to happen is it well get off the pc & go yell at the tv lol the tv right next to me the laptop and my beer but can't yell the baby asleep lol
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