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the cheater

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Everything posted by the cheater

  1. Well done fella,s,some good shooting there
  2. I dread to think what that will look like Good work there big fella,nice acount of a cracking night out You do need a mod,it will allow you to watch the fox after the shot,so no doubts. He who dares John..they can only say no.The muzzle flip is another reason(as well as H&S)considering the land your shooting on. The running on...do you think it is because your shots seem a little high on a rew of them maybe,although you would still think that with all the thump,it would drop them no probs had it with the .243 too,a will to live sometimes!! Called in half a dozen recentl
  3. Had a really good day.Set off in a blizzard with about 4inches of snow on the road(this cleared after about 7 mile and had a wet but clear run across to the lake District...apart from when my cousin wanted the interior light on and hit the button for the electric sunroof yep snow on left shoulder,right shoulder and top of my head then pulled over,stepped out of the motor to clear it off and got slushed by 2 passing cars good laugh tho!! Didn,t shoot to well on the 1st drive as i had to avoid some power lines but got a hen.Stood in the hotspot next drive..and they all went the other way
  4. Sounds like a cracking night out fellas well done Crisis of confidence John? just waiting for the easy ones your so sporting
  5. Good shooting there nice to finally get 1 thats been evading you!!
  6. I enjoyed reading that,and the pictures were very good also,well done to all
  7. Had a night on the town instead, but out after fox tonight..fall of snow overnight so might get an idea where they,re travelling!!
  8. Well done fella,s hopefully you,ll find the other 1 today...can,t count him till you do though...or i will have start calling you the cheater Just in from stalking..had 3 walk past me in some holly bushes not 15yds away,then when i got them in the open,there was a fallen tree between us with 100,s of branches blocking the view and they were only 60yds away oh the joys of Deer stalking still,it was a nice morning for a walk.
  9. Maybe because your using that girly .223 instead of a mans gun John only kidding,was very impressed with Rob,s .223 when i used his What these pics... Really don,t know what you mean
  10. Aha,the Pro at work again...well at least you had the bolt down on this 1 Nice colouring on him,good shot too at that range,well done mate Was going to have a mooch tonight as i,m off tomorrow,but i think i shot the only fox on the shoot the other night so early to bed and i,m going to have a stalk in the morn.
  11. There,s supposed to be some in a couple of the nearby forests,but not in any of the woods i frequent..yet!! Clive,congratulations on getting your licence passed just remember to drop the bolt when you see a fox as them .223,s are a sod for not loading themselves...just ask John
  12. Well done ,nice shot placement too I,ve an FX5 and i rate them,so useful to get the call away from you
  13. Bolt up just as well you got the luck of the Irish eh John Pleased it ended well anyway she looks older than this years judging by the gums though?? Just started back on shifts last night,so will hopefully get some time on my hands to get out after a few! Was out on the Pheasants on Fri when someone shouted Woodcock over,i close the gun and look up waiting in anticipation only to have a fox run past about 2yards off me dropped 20+ rabbits with the rimmy on Sunday evening so got plenty of bait for him Cheers for the write-up..made me laugh what do you mean it was supposed to
  14. Great to get a result so quickly,must make you feel like a pro good going mate. Seen 1 last night whilst out after rabbits and pheasant shooting tomorrow so not sure when i,ll get onto it as will be out after a Roe doe on saturday morn.. it,s a hard life
  15. Good to see your back to normal..ish John nice shot What,s the fetish with the teeth then? Meths is my preferred method for curing,quick and simple.Just drop it into the jar,leave for 2 weeks then wash in warm soapy water.
  16. Oh yeah, just got it..well you,ve got to do what you have to do..nearest hiding place available and all that you sod Thanks for the welcome ladies and gents
  17. Nice to see you back out at them John Just got a little patch of land thats covered in them,went up for a look last week and saw 6 in 2 fields,even managed to miss 1 straight over it,s head from the motor,scope had been bumped on the way up.My mates motor was full of tools,pretty sure this was the cause but it,s shooting great now and he,s sorted it for me to go without him. Only need some time off to sort them. Good read too mate Jeff
  18. Another item into the rucksack then John..you,ll have to get Mark to show you how it,s done by hand
  19. Hello all, Bet your wondering about my username just to clear up any mis-givings...there are 2 reasons.. Firstly-my usual 1 is already taken.. And secondly,it`s what a certain mr Galway callls me because i use a NV set-up for fox control My interests..mainly vermin control as i,m a member of a pheasant shoot(Small farmers syndicate) using shotgun and rifle these days ie rabbit,pigeon,crow and fox etc,deer stalking and ferreting.Just getting back into this as my nephew is mad keen. I did have Lurchers for 24years up until a few years ago,so i,m sure i,ll enjoy reading about your sorties
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