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Everything posted by mexlad

  1. dont tell me that!! i was getting excited to go to other cities "gash hunting" haha lol, mad c**t
  2. from where ive been cardiff is the best,never seen as many good looking women in one place
  3. put the vid back on mate would love to see it,after all its a hunting site.
  4. ha ha p***k just what he deserved, bet towd lad could bang em when he was younger. :vava:
  5. same happend to us last week someone reported us to the police for coursing when we was ferreting,some people just havent got owt else better to do with there lives have they.
  6. :clapper: thats a fu***ng beauty mate lol
  7. german shepard, yorkshire terrier nasty little bas***ds lol
  8. deffinatly a cross for me in the future.
  9. id chuck the camera at the horrible c**t
  10. :clapper: ha ha good en.
  11. good thread this lads,love this cross,are they obedient?
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