Is it just me, or did anyone else think "Rent Boy"?
a wiz thinkin shirt lifter
Its the f*****g belt buckle and matchin bangle......... No offence mate, but if you came out lamping with us........ I reckon you'd be in for a long walk home....
:11: :11:
aint got a clue what the second half of your post means? as for, i QUESSED it would be BIG and black thats tank out as TANK was well small compared with some in that ring.i actually said it would be black and worked,as i ve already said one can only go on what the judges have picked before ie gareth picked ginger at welsh game fair.dave berry picked black at edrd you actually think we walked up and begged the judges to pick for the open show as most the dogs there were there for the championship it was announced it was open to all dogs qualified or not! as for shooting myse