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Everything posted by mexlad

  1. any interpreters in the house lol.
  2. he sounds like a prick mate, and whats with all the new people joining and giving people shit.
  3. i also like going on them sites and dreaming mate, one day pal lol
  4. went to a bulimics party last night . the place was heaving.

  5. f*****g hell mate he must have balls of steel, that honestly made me badly watching it.
  6. thats the one mate, spend as much time as possible with the dog to get a strong bond.
  7. Notice the sharp rise in immigration from 1997 onwards, followed by almost double the numbers from 2004 until 2009. All Labour years and I stand by my assertion that immigrants vote more often than not Labour so they are importing voters, even though it is to the detrement of this country. I think the drop in 2009 was only due to Labour realising it had lost a lot of white working class voters. http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=260 disgusting
  8. Not to pull you up like.....but its paki as in pakistan....not packey as in packey of crisps It makes me wonder how they bet for money when they dont even have rules !!....what is it,the dog that turns and runs into the next village....is the loser ?
  9. should calm down the more you take him out, how old is he and how long you had him ?
  10. Was it snowing heavily ?? Cheers. :laugh:
  11. some stunning dogs lads, anyone got any footage of them grafting would love to see it.
  12. how the f**k can you not be allowed run your dog on say five hares in one day but you can shoot over 200, this country is f*****g backwards.
  13. The RSPCA have acted quickly after the weekend's events in Newcastle . If you see an Arsenal fan with a dog ask them to call 0859 4-0 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 for free advice about how to hold on to a lead

  14. i bet half the people who slag travellers off havent even met one they are just going on what everyone else says and jumping on the band wagon, whats wrong with taking people on face value i make my own mind up on people not listen to other people and let them make my mind up for me.
  15. :11: :11: fantastic lol couldn't have put it better myself.
  16. i take fifty but could do with some more and a couple of stop nets too.
  17. when the dog is a pup ideally.
  18. i bought the two battery pack from arthur carter and had them on a belt round my waist but it used to kill my legs and hips after a night out so i tie wrapped them together and have them in a rucksack now, you can feel it a bit on the back of the neck after about four hours but its a lot better then the belt.
  19. is still coming down from all the red bull last night lol

  20. i thought you was dead,,,been after some catty elastic since xmass pm sent no reply,will not use pay pal, been whittleing ever since, ha ha ha ha that is a beauty that one pal
  21. is out later it would be rude not to

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