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Pup of -

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Everything posted by Pup of -

  1. Lavender Oil is not expensive. It's a natural product and it works! Given the choice I'd rather spend a few quid in prevention of infection than a massive vet's bill later. Each to there own and it is tried and tested! The question originally was for ideas, if they are taken on board and used or not is not the issue. Oh and yeah, I'm a fist aider too, have been for years and update the qualification every year for employment reasons. Try telling your dog when it's ripped, mashed or generally f'd, that I'll apply pressure, elevate and the ambulance is on the way!!! I'm sure that the inpu
  2. Couple of those small capsules of sterile water, need to flush out any crap quick before infection gets a chance to get hold. A small bottle of lavender oil too. Get the pure stuff from a health food shop, pour it on neat, it's antiseptic and antiviral, it'll ward off infection and could avoid a visit to the vet for anti B's for wound infection. Works on people too!
  3. I'm not trying to steal your thunder. I been using these for years. If any one is intrested here's a couple off additional recipies. Burgers. (rough quantities, use what you have) 2lb minced rabbit, 3 chopped tomato's, 1 chopped onion, 3 rashers chopped bacon, 1 pint breadcrumbs, 1 tbsp pickle, 2 tsp mixed herbs, drop of Worcestershire sauce, 2 eggs, bit of fresh or dried rosemary. Just bung it all together, mix and make into burgers. Flour your hands if it's a bit sticky. Chill in the fridge for a few hours before frying in a bit of butter with a touch of oil. They'll keep in the freezer f
  4. Bill was very fond of the pipes! There was one day a few lads had been out and one of them had his pipes in the car and after a few pints brought them in to the pub and started playing. The landlord was not to keen, Bill in his best humour walked over to the pool table picked up a couple of cue's broke them and started to drum on a table to accompany the pipes. (He did pay later to replace the cue's) After the pipes the lads and Bill finished off with a few hunting songs. The landlord in retrespect admitted that it was one of the best nights his pub had ever had! Why young and old soldiers w
  5. Serious or silly answer? Serious-Squirrel, hedgehog, badger which was f'in horrible. Sparrow and rhubarb (as kids, couldn't catch anything else and the rhubarb was nicked but tasted great on a camp fire) Oysters and Guinness, for the uninitiated you have to try it but only if you are in Ireland, otherwise the Guinness is crap! Silly-Buttered ginger biscuits and gherkins
  6. The photo's will take me a while to dig up, scan and post but will get round to it. First memory/story was being in Bill's presence when he was docking pups. If anyone met Bill one of the things they would remember about him was the size of his hands. His guidline for docking was from the tip of his thumb to the first joint. Litter of five pups, three dogs, two bitches. Two black and tans, two black, one red, all smooth coats. Bill picked up the first pup, explained all, then discovered he'd left his knife outside the kennel. No Problem. What are false teeth for? His top false plate did th
  7. I was told about this site by Bill's grandson, thats one line that's still traceable!!!!! As for Bill's terriers I can say I've probably a good memory of where and when he started off, loads of stories and a load of old photo's if anyone is intrested. Up until a couple of years ago I was in touch with a lad that had dogs that went back to the old original line from his bitch Nigger (Bill's first black bitch in the 60's) and could still probably find some of the old lines. This is my first time here so it'll take some time to read through the thread and old post's but there is one that has me
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