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Everything posted by staffy-1

  1. My mate bred a litter of wheaten greyhounds a year or two back, he kept three back but one of them unfortunatley died. THe two dogs he has at the moment are the bees knees and have took all quarry with ease on plenty of occasions. He also owns the father, in my opinion would give most a dog in this country a good run for there money, with drawing in mind. i myself have a young bullcross pup at the moment which is coming on well. As to a lot more bull crosses not making the grade compared to wheaten crosses, i think its just the sheer number of bullcrosses out there compared to the wheaten
  2. alright mate, im from belle isle! just got rid of my two jills the other week, dont have enough time for them. drop me a pm and well sort a day or night out if you want? do you go out lamping local? the lofthouse pits?
  3. strongstuff mate, ill be looking for one for my bullcross mate, i dont know why i didnt buy one off you when i saw u at otley ....drop me a pm
  4. iv got two jills mate, you can hev them. Both sisters, this years litter. Only problem iv only just had them because the lad who had them before was going to kill them with his terrier so i took them off him instead, he never handled them so they are a bit nippy at times. Im also in leeds
  5. you from gipton mate?....Think iv seen that dog work a few times??
  6. Silly Silly man! Why lie? It makes you look more of a twat than you already are! I don't post on here that often anymore but just the doggy dealers like you what really do my head in! You really are a goose
  7. Heya lads just a quick one because im on the phone here, just got the blitz and the 14 amp battery. Just wondering how long the battery lasts on it? Any answers appreciated staffy-1
  8. Alright lads just a video i found whilst on youtube...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfU5vvtsx3M
  9. Argghhh leave the man alone, hes aloud to have a laught isnt he. Im not so bad with chemical sweetners etc......just sleepless nights iv got to watch out for and a total no no on beer. anyway...just starting to come back on here a lot recently its putting a smile on my face is the old hunting life lark. hopefully ill be off the anti depressants soon
  10. Aye, should be careful lads. Me personally just been diagnosed with epilepsy 6 months ago, and at sixteen it turned me on a real downer. Just been put on anti depressants, and in conjuction with the anti epileptic drugs having some awful side effects
  11. Leeds/wakefield area. Sorry no pictures of the pups, still all four for sale
  12. Alright lads, just putting this up for a mate,he has four patterdale x wheaten terrier pups for sale.......two lighter coloured and the other two are a darker black andt tan mix. Iv forgot which are the bitches and which are the dogs.....any interest give me a pm...........£150
  13. yes he is a solid little lad isnt he, just getting him used to the ferrets and the family cat etc. Molly, hes 20lb there or near enough.
  14. Hiya lads and lasses, this is charlie he will be 12 week old this thursday......had him since he was six week old. Oh dint i forget what it was like to have a puppy in the house . Hes fourteen inches to the shoulder at the moment, is that big for a puppy his age? His dad was 28 inch and i dont know how big his mother was, oh yer hes 5/8 3/8...these are not the best pictures in the world. staffy-1
  15. i had a dream about doing maggie thatcher up the fart pipe.........
  16. however shit this country ever gets im staying here! forever, im english and im proud of it. Yes there are many problems over here, too many to state but i will never think about emmegrating from yorkshire never mind england! ........ we moan about all the eastern europeans moving over here but arnt we doing the same thing..? yes different circumstances but we are moving out by the boat load...stay here and fight i say? staffy-1
  17. Hi i dont know if theres been a topic up on it already as i havnt been logged on for a week or so.........just to say it was a good craic up there. Just how i like the shows proper working dogs none of them showy type shite you see at most fares. Met some decent lads, my mates wheaten greyhound won best rough hair lurcher. strongstuff had a stall his gear is top notch and seems a quality man.....hope to be there next year.......... staffy-1
  18. im in leeds mate ill keep an eye out, where abouts are you?
  19. staffy-1


    Just left school not so long back, got an apprentice in bricklaying. It's not the best money a the moment but if and when i qualify the moneys good
  20. aye, she was well liked on this site. seems a few of her so called mates are scared to say something.........
  21. Smash go away you crank! ............saluki should bring you tonnes of stamina and a very clever dog....but tit can bring a lot of stubborness into your dog but thats how you bring them up aswell isnt it
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