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Everything posted by staffy-1

  1. iv got a patterdale so i thought i would put up staffy-1 staffy-1
  2. thanks millet. theres a big blue one i seen what got away. Bloody hell it was huge well get him next time but hell take some doing. staffy-1 p.s. i think the farmer thinks are dogs are ok with the rats, good jpb he wasn't walking round with us this time :11:
  3. i don't know the name of the farm devvo :11: . Ermmm big old trampy farm i call it, ill tell you next time mate you nosey fekker :11: and yes we caught a few ferals we did staffy-1
  4. Thanks for the replys lads, weel to be honest it was shit today :11: . We knocked on the farmers door and was having a talk, he was saying there aint no rats left round here all weve got is a colony of feral cats now. The cats must of drove the rats away so we started at base 1 getting rid of the cats so next time the rats might be back. At the end of the day we had a total of 2 bloody rats compared to the fifty we had last year . We also tokk a few rabbits off the land for ferret food to end the day. Sorry no pics lads it wasn't worth bothering...... and devvo ermm...... in boroughbrid
  5. Alrught lads, me and a few of my mates are going up to boroughbridge today for a bit of ratting, it'll be exciting to see the numbers of rats there as they vary for season to season. But this time last season we had about 50 and it was my staffs first ever rats. moved on to other things now like.... . if there isn't any rats there theres plenty of rabbits. ill post piks later staffy-1
  6. tell him to f**K off staffy-1
  7. don't do it, put your hands in your pockets and buy a locater staffy-1
  8. my ferret is exactly the same hes eyes are jet black though staffy-1
  9. realtree... ha ha staffy-1
  10. yes there still the point of the site bben here, iv learnt everything about hunting nearly on this site staffy-1
  11. good one molly, going to a farm in york that is full of rats in a few week, can't wait for it staffy-1
  12. staffy-1


    found thid on a anti hunting site, they don't half talk some dribble on there............. it was under ' THE HUNTERS LOGIC'
  13. We got a fox the other day, a bloody massive fat thing with decaying teeth it didn't look old at all but with those teeth i didn't think it would last long. Dug it out of a 2 holer earth and about a foot deep staffy-1
  14. good man lucky i loved to see the pics of your dogs...but that joy might be gone now . Taffydog i don't personally think that these sites should be shut down. As it's great to see people alike with there days catch and have a good laugh etc. staffy-1
  15. they don't seem to go far mate, well i lost mine for a week and someone found him in the local supermarket thinking he was a rat. staffy-1
  16. No they are not YES THEY ARE good one irish hunter don't listen to smoothrun. How can every bull x be shit if there so popular you cocksnogger?? i think the dogs that are the most fox killing machines are mental ex track dogs, but they will lack stamina or the bull x. But each to there own
  17. I was reading this thread with amazement until i smelt a horrible stench.......BULLSHIT staffy-1
  18. internet hunters staffy-1
  19. Aye iv been there a few times on the lamp. Bunnys everywhere lol, even might of been on you mates permisiion lol staffy-1
  20. A tip mate, i don't really think you should feed your dogs before you go out, i think it makes them sluggish when out hunting. But its up to you fella staffy-1 p.s good luck on your netx venture
  21. You won't get no permission round here mate, hardly no rabbits round here aswell, me and my mates have got a little bit of land on a eqestrian centre in royds hall. But the rest of the time we just poach lol. :11: Weve got most of our permission round the yourk area staffy-1
  22. staffy-1


    my whippet greyhound, shes got a full belly there but shes fit as feck staffy-1 :whistle:
  23. 1ST one- fake as feck 2nd one- true, a bodybuilder tenced too much. staffy-1
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