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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. does anyone know where i can get my dogs tattoed in the north east area and does anyone know how much it costs?
  2. she classy unlike some the women on ere lol well i supose my terrier could do with a pair of them, she had an incodent with a curry and gave her self a brazilian nice are you sure that wasn't you lol haha no it was the dog it looks helerious, totally bald backside shes got
  3. she classy unlike some the women on ere lol well i supose my terrier could do with a pair of them, she had an incodent with a curry and gave her self a brazilian
  4. nice dog but why is it wearing pants :S
  5. hee hee! good one jigsaw you know that ban we all abide by those foxes wer shot you know
  6. haha it took me a hile to decide what it was, thought it was a air bed hahahaaha blonde moment
  7. looks more like a mastif or american bulldog cross
  8. i think i know what you are going on about here are you talking about the people on here who think there dog will work like clockwork yet they dont bother putting the work in
  9. when my dogs get ticks i burn them with a lighter (the tick not the dog) and they fall off the next day, my terrier managed to get 6 in one day once
  10. still sounds like a good quality pup, cant be bothered to bring a pup in myself, but all the best with the sale
  11. tell mi about it jpt its giveaway at that price i know iam the aquatics specialist at a garden centre so no every tank and fish inside out and i was gob smacked, tryed ebay? tried it mate no one intrested im suprised, thought it would have gone straight away as its coming up to xmas
  12. tell mi about it jpt its giveaway at that price i know iam the aquatics specialist at a garden centre so no every tank and fish inside out and i was gob smacked, tryed ebay?
  13. bloody good price that, shame i got no more room for anymore fish tanks
  14. try swimming him (hydrotherapy) helps heal injurys, i worked in a hydrotherapy centre (dog swimming pool) for a while and i tell you it works wonders on injurys to joints as it builds up muscle but without putting weight on the joint....i was sceptical on the whole "it works miracles thing" till i saw it before my eyes, although at £30 for half an hour its a bit pricey, personally i would go for the swim him up and down off a jetty option as its free
  15. aye myne are microchipped but i would have thought tatooing would be a good idea as a visual deterant to thiefs
  16. no he aint. not a bad trophy hunter either aye im still devided over wther to get a cross or a pure whippet
  17. where can you get it done?
  18. damb why are all the dogs i want in wales hehe
  19. anyone got a picture of one?ive never even heard of them before!!
  20. looks grand to me hehe, right im on the verge of going out and buying a pure (prefrably blue) working straign whippet tomorow hehe he doesnt look prowen to injury to me, has he ever had any injurys?
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