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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. right well personally iam frightened to death of ferrets, dont ask me why they just freak me out (dont laugh :laugh) anyway my brothers pet one always jumps out when you open the hutch so i went to hoy this rabbit i had got while out lamping in with it (as quick ias i could)and couldnt find a knife so just hoyed it in whole....the moral of the story is the horrible little creature gave it a good sniff and only ate the rabbits testicles , why?
  2. how old is she? my new lurcher does the same thing, running back when i crouch down, but in my case im only little so i get knocked flat over
  3. im just slowly building her up, getting her stamina up, and im keeping her back so she doesnt get sick , she loves it pulled my mate over when she spotted a rabbit (could of had £250 for it is was helerious). a one in northumberland lol you just want to see a little lassie go wild on a big lad really dont you haha oh crazy lady mode is helerious, i just cant shut myself up
  4. someones sexuality is a small part of there personality!
  5. right well i got a phone call from a friend who isnt in to hunting who said she had brought up the subject of my new lurcher (jess 16 month old)with the lad i used to go digging with the convosation suposedly somthing like this my mate:"awww have you seen jens new dog" x digging mate:"shes going to fecking breaks it neck and legs the way she is going on" (shouting on like that) anyway i text the dick head saying "actually jess is only out 3 times a week for around 3 hours a night at the moment were as most lurchers are out way more" and oh lord i got a extremley rude text back saying
  6. leather what?Dragonfly (most of stomach eaten by birds)! how would you know that? hehe thats mad
  7. chuffed is an understatement, she hass been aloud to sleep on the sofa all day
  8. haha thats what i was thinking....what ever floats your boat eh
  9. random question but also does anyone know if realtree do womens wear??
  10. thats correct mate That big high powered water pistol really is doing the damage bud. Well done again we all stick to the law dont we everyone:D
  11. im sure hes going to love you for posting those pictures
  12. Socializing is the key get the pup out as JPT says with other dogs different surroundings etc... Its demeanor shouldnt make it any inferior work wise than your other dog sometimes the opposite patience is the key yep my pup used to run home the first couple times she saw all them dogs but after a while she soon relised that causing chaos in someone elses house is great fun and she also relised that lurchers and collies cant fit under kitchen tables so you can sit under there and bite collie and lurchers ankles
  13. Youve every right to be proud youve obviously struck a good working bond It wasnt her first night out mind Over the moon for you BB hehe thats why it says "proper" coz it was the first time with me hehe but yeah she is a star, thanks again and yeah she loves me, doesnt really like anyone else in the family but loves the terriers, there like two hot water bottles for her, one either side
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