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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. my terriers need a slap ever so often, dont really have to do it much anymore because i just have to say there names and rase my hand and they know if they dont stop what they are doing they will get a slap the lurcher is well behaved but i think all dogs need to respect that you are the top dog as in wolf society the alpha male would attack any wolf that stepped out of line so its only natural
  2. probably the other week when we were running across a field, and dip stick here didnt see the branch on the ground, i went ass over tit, my hat went flying and i had sheep shite all down my pants and was rolling round on the floor laughing my head off......had a saw neck the next morning though or maybes when my lurcher pulled my mate over when she saw a fox
  3. well the person who is designing the website for my dads company is called bruce, now we got a phone call from him and he answred "hi its bruce the website designer" but the funny part is he has a lisp....say it with a lisp and try and see if you can work out why its so funny:laugh:
  4. haha lovley pics, the last one made me laugh
  5. watch the xmas song singed by christina aguilera....it is amaaaaaaazing http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sSoUAAxA5wU
  6. thank you hopefully no serious injurys shal occur im getting the insurance sorted in the new year so she can have whatever treatment she could ever want, the thing is i have only had the dog for about 2 weeks now and she is very very fit but i mean when she is out she will usually only have about 6-7 slips on easy rabbits on nice flat ground, so he has no right to judge especially when he has never owned a lurcher and i dont think hes ever seen one run even im still so annoyed because he is basically trying to make himself look like the top hunting lad by putting me down when i know from e
  7. yep going to support my local lot
  8. oh yeah haha i never thought about that, let me know after tomorow then haha
  9. what does the t-shirt have on it was going to get my lad one saying "always drinking never thinking" hes already got the one saying "if found please return to the pub"
  10. my terrier is illergic to beef and it makes her chew the hair out of her rear end i have heard of dogs being illergic to stinging nettles before
  11. now whose been rude you dirty bugger i didnt mean that ng sure u didn't, i believe ye im selebet(think thats how you spell it) me im tim, fancy a drink? :clapper: nice name....and no thank you [vicky pollad accent] ewww i cannot belive u just said thaa! didnt wont wone anywayyyy .... slaarg only messing how very dare you ..........nutter hehe
  12. Maybe just pekish i love watching them twist round & round to break through to the flesh , so i suppose they find the softest spot in a males rabbits case the goolies yep i laughed when my 11 year old brother tryed to explian what part the ferret had eaten, i shal slit it down the middle next time so the rabbit can have the dignity of keeping its nackers
  13. i bought my lad a remote control car because he never shuts up about when he can drive....so its a put me off for 8 months....men are so hard to buy for, he already has a air riffle and dont have any lurchers or terriers, i would say im quite easy to buy for, i would be perfectly happy with that womens realtree jacket i saw or maybe a lurcher collar
  14. i just hoyed it in to see what happened, it ate nothing but the rabbits nuts, just thought it was rather strange
  15. yep i was chuffed because it was a women on it, quite heavy aswel so it aint no cwappy thing
  16. now whose been rude you dirty bugger i didnt mean that sure u didn't, i believe ye im selebet(think thats how you spell it) me im tim, fancy a drink? :clapper: nice name....and no thank you
  17. its 1920's, presume its not silver as it dont have a stamp
  18. now whose been rude you dirty bugger i didnt mean that sure u didn't, i believe ye im selebet(think thats how you spell it) me
  19. had to have to because it was a women on it
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