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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. its not the best picture of her i must say....but looks are nothing in a hunting dog...someone i know has a stunning saluki but it couldnt hunt to save his lifes and he doesnt cock his leg when he pees so he pees on his front legs....funny but hes backward as hell
  2. best of luck getting them back
  3. iam now very hungry, i burst out laughing at the last two pics....briliant
  4. well we tend to not use it as we are walking as we know the land like the back of our hands, we shal try giving at a few more nights and then give the shop a bell
  5. is it a separate lamp and battery or is it one of them poxy rechargable built in battery lamps? my oppinion LIGHTFORCE all the way no no its like a lamp and then the battery is in like a pack on his hip which also has a strap that goes over his shoulder Sounds like either the battery isnt charged enough or its not sufficient to supply your lamp,or its fxxxked hmm well it was on charge all day.....so i think a trip back to the shop is in order
  6. rather rude.........oh well................i like her and well she does the job....one thing i relised since i got my first lurcher was how diffrent her personality is to the terriers as ive only ever had my two terriers i have now and my mother had a cairne terrier when i was little
  7. is it a separate lamp and battery or is it one of them poxy rechargable built in battery lamps? my oppinion LIGHTFORCE all the way no no its like a lamp and then the battery is in like a pack on his hip which also has a strap that goes over his shoulder
  8. i only just relised those rabbits were in the picture....oops
  9. i shal ring him later and see what lamp it is but i would expect better quality for £150 :S
  10. yep the worst thing is when there is a role on the floor, which is common round here, or the wire has come off the fence and just been left on the floor(i always move it).......been so close a few times with the terriers and the lurcher
  11. thank you, we are all always learning and everyone has there own way of doing things...........myne is going to be alot diffrent to a 40 year old man as iam a 5 foot 4 lassie with back problems so yes i may not go digging as much as most people and yes a may not know as much as most people but that all comes with time..........i aint no no it all chav i just take advise from those who i respect happy hunting
  12. defonatly, that stuff is horrible stuff, we dont tend to have much barbed wire round here but there are a couple with it at the bottom of the fence but the terriers usually avoid those fences
  13. robbing buggers, if they have it will be going straight back to the shop i mean it starts fading after about an hour and a half and its a good lamp.............the old lamp and quad battery lasted weigh longer it just wieghed a small ton, i didnt have to carry it though
  14. hope he gets well soon...atleast he isnt in any pain
  15. did she cut herself? no were near as bad but my lurcher ran full pelt in to my terrier and the terrier did a flip and started acting all dizzy and stumbeling over i ran over and picked her up thinking it was seriouse........just before i got to her my other terrier ran up to her and bit her and she was then fine and procceded to run after the terrier that bit her
  16. aslong as they are kept in humane conditions and killed humanley ....although i did read somewere that in chinease culture they tied the dogs legs behind its back because they believed if the dog went through pain the meat would be more tender
  17. Hi mate what voltage and amp-age is your battery ? regards stoney oh god i dont know, its not myne you see electrical things are all past me unless its anything to do with fish tanks, but it was like sold as like one so i would presume it was the right battery for the lamp
  18. well atleast you got your xmas dinner, were there still houses that were left without gas? i was rather peed off with that live interview they did on GMTV because fiona or what ever they call the presenter women kept on asking the gas women the same blooming question "so why didnt you get to the gas leak earlier" and her reply was the same "we were trying to get the correct people in as it was a high risk leak" but i swear to god she asked that question about four times in the space of about 2 minutes
  19. well the lad i go lamping with (hes got the lamp and no dogs, ive got the dogs and no lamp and we live a mile away from one anouther so it works rather well) he got a new lamp for chritmas, good quality, so he let it run down (as he was advised)and then charged it up for about 24 hours then the blooming thing only lasted two hours last night ....my question is that is it faulty and should we take it back or does it just take a while for it work properly? we used to use a quad battery and a lamp off the top of a car which he then put a button on with a hole load of masking tape, now that thin
  20. thank you .......i will say now that i dont really know much and i aint going to deny it but iam here to learn and also listen to others opinions, i dont see when i ever said i new everything INFACT if i recal correctly i didnt, and hopefully help others from what i have been told from the more experienced......iam from a non hunting, mostly anti hunt family so i will give myself credit as i would say iam doing quite well since i started 10 steps behind most young hunters and have to fund all hunt related things myself
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