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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. yes you can, and trains, i do it all the time, it is free aslong as they dont take up a seat
  2. How is it the lamps fault that it only lasted an hour and a half? That is actually about the total lighting time you can expect from an 18 A/hr battery, the idea is that you use for short periods. I wish I had a shop, there'd be some stupid people leaving with lamp cables wrapped around their neck and a Lightforce Striker sticking out of their arsehole. If people don't understand how to use things, then they should leave them well alone. I'd have said that the main problem with that lamp was a retarded owner ........ 5 pieces? Let me guess he cut it up with a breadknife?!
  3. gobshitexbullshiter lovley dog by the way
  4. well micky you asked for old pictures but couldnt help but post a picture of jess, hopefully all the lurchers i have in my lifetime will form a bond as good as we have, within 2 days we were inseperable she now howls for about 10 minutes when i leave the house....poor begger
  5. i agree that the quality of the wireing is poor and for the price we pay it should be a bit more robust and be able to last a few seasons . this things only about 3 weeks old
  6. my mate got one for christmas and we have also had nothing but problems, firstly not lasting more than a hour and a half, then the conector bit coming in and out,then the fuse blowed and now the bit between the lamp and the battery that can go in the car is faulty so it has stopped working all together, its a piss take you pay £150 for somthing and you expect it to be quality not shite..........so annoyed with the company, and his dad is taking it bac to the shop although it is in about 5 diffrent bits as he cut it up trying to find out what the problem was
  7. i always get my lots boosters, only £15, and well its better to be safe than sorry
  8. If you are feeding a complete dry feed id agree 110%. When feeding raw/meats etc its essential to suppliment with fats/oils etc that meat alone cannot provide. i agree there as myne are on a complete food as there main diet but they are also given raw rabbit and cod liver oil tablets, since i have started feeding them raw rabbit 3 weeks ago people have commented on how there condition has improved before i have even told them i have changed there diet......the terriers were getting really bloated all the time on the old food and had bad skin so i changed food and it improved slightly but
  9. you should have put the pic of him in the washing basket up, that was what i call cute
  10. i voted american pitbul mainly because if i even saw one of them feckers in the garden i wouldnt risk going in
  11. no people are still aloud to sell but if the moderators notice people constantly selling on dogs or pups or what ever then they will be seen to be a dog peddler and taken off the site
  12. well said, im think that some lads dont go for bitches as they dont think they would be as strong yet my bitch is nearly always mistaken for a dog (the reason behind the girly name, polly).....she doesnt seem to change in her seasons and nor does my pup teal, i havnt actually noticed when polly has been in season for a year now i would never breed from polly, firstly because of her genetic health problems and she was started at 2 1/2 so is always going to be a bit behind in experience but she puts 210% in at what ever i put her to and is very intelegent (can do anything from dog agility, t
  13. how blooming rude are some people eh when i bred rabbits and was selling up they were all free to a good home with hutch yet they ALL wanted me to ring them and ALL wanted me to deliver, well firstly i dont fecking drive and secondly im not going to give somthing away at my own expence (fuel, time and effort)....one person rang up asking me to deliver 40 mile away yet didnt offer to pay fuel expences back to the dog thing if someone isnt willing to cash out on a phone call what is going to happen to the animal when it needs to go to the vets?
  14. got such a good come back to put that but iam sure everyone else is thinking the same thing so i shal keep my trap shut
  15. my mates dog used to be an alcoholic, knocked me to the ground for a can of fosters...no lies....and probably had its fair share of weed through pasive smoking, lived til 16 aswel
  16. would be perfect for my first car............but i cant drive yet
  17. its about time if you look at pictures of bull dogs when they were used for work they look nothing like the ones we see today
  18. very true, ive never bought a pup so i wouldnt be one to judge but i would take some one else with me to check out the litter and only buy them from a friend of a friend for example...my lurcher was 16 month old when i got her so what i saw was what i was getting
  19. were you from?that place would be a great place to bring on my terrier pup
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