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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. some very nice dogs would have thought your feet would get wet in trainers though!lol
  2. just percist with her im sure she will sort herself out
  3. my thoughts would be that she would improve over time.....she will work out that if she does things that way she wont get it but if i do it the other way i will sort of thing how long has she been back in work?
  4. well on the way there i had to chuck teal (patterdale pup) out the door as she started getting car sick and i wasnt cleaning it out of the car, had an arguement with some women in alnwick as she told me not to kick my dogs even though i just scooted the terriers out the way with my foot because they like to walk right infront of my feet ,polly thinking it was funny to role in a dead bird and alot of flatulence in the car from the dogs (not me) ....but overall it was a lovley day jessie me and jessie (me with a stupid face as it was windy) and again teal in the front(9 month)
  5. i tryed the fish and chips.....smelled like fish and chips but to me tasted like a cross between marmite chrisps and salt and viniger cant believe there is no squirelle in cajen squirelle
  6. haha i hear hes pretty good with a yoyo i no plenty digger dan.....ask my boyfriend
  7. was thinking when sex education was at the minimum in schools there was very few teenage pregnancys yet as they increase the amount of sex education in schools the numbers seem to go up i have even notcied it myself (iam 16)when i was in middle school the whole sex thing was a very embarasing and un-spoken of subject yet my 11 year old brother is at the same school and they get way more sex education than we ever did and all the kids in his year are at it (sick i know) such a random thought but just came to mind after that 13 year old father thing
  8. i can tell you how i did it....all i did was watch that kill it, cook it, eat it thing on rabbits and did it how it said on there ...i have no perants to show me how to do these things, showed my dad my skinned hare and he said it was "discusting"...im defonatly the odd one out in my family Good on you girl! i think you are in the process of proving a few people on here wrong! My fiance has her own dogs, hunts and kills her quarry but i end up with all the cleaning and preperation at the end of the day so i reckon your doing alright. it was exactly the same with my parents, they ha
  9. how on earth hasnt this dog sold yet he looks like a lovley dog best of luck with the sale
  10. terrible terrible, the thought of any of my dogs being stolen is just terrifying best of luck finding them
  11. terrible just terrible, childhood totally lost and she looks way older than him i personally agree with abortion as i know i can barley look after myself never mind anyone else
  12. maybe its just me being dirty minded but georgia arnt you a bit young for that jen wheres my card it wasn't in post this morning lol i have no perants to show me how to do these things, showed my dad my skinned hare and he said it was "discusting"...im defonatly the odd one out in my family Same here! I'm a girl too, I just decided one day to start hunting and I did! My folks don't like it, but I'm into healthy stuff and nature so I love it! My first skinning was a fresh, still warm roadkill rabbit. Skinned and gutted it (easy), saved the hide and ate it. Threw the
  13. i used to get the same thing....just, as i said before, tell them to feck off and suck your balls :laughl:then ignor them.....or hoy a fox brush in there face is fun aswel
  14. maybe its just me being dirty minded but georgia arnt you a bit young for that
  15. thats a funny looking fox set in the second pic
  16. for the skin it was a good fox mate dont worry i dont eat it thats dirty :sick: :sick: Ahh! lol would hope so to
  17. this has been my first season of hopefully many and its been a good one although i cant really compare it with past seasons shal continue going out during the summer with out a doubt
  18. admirers .....dont go starting a fan club just gobby iam....cant help it
  19. i can tell you how i did it....all i did was watch that kill it, cook it, eat it thing on rabbits and did it how it said on there ...i have no perants to show me how to do these things, showed my dad my skinned hare and he said it was "discusting"...im defonatly the odd one out in my family
  20. thank you i think thats what iam going to do..... when i brought my brothers home i put it in my pocket and zipped it up didnt let it out all the way home ive never walked so fast in all my life but that thing just seemed to curl up and go to sleep in my pocket( still frightened to death)....actually now i think about it that little thing wasnt that scary as it couldnt really run that fast as it was tiny.............going to get used to the big ones first though and find a friendly one which i can get used to, defonatly think i want a hob
  21. clean it and put liquid plaster on.....like super glue but washes off after a while
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