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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. im going monday oh I wonder who you are going with ...... may see you there haha get ready to get your arse kicked by nancy crotchless
  2. im going monday oh I wonder who you are going with ......
  3. might be a bit of a push then Aye it takes some pushing up hills when its got a bit of weight in lmao
  4. me and the lurcher could well be in this week again...pic is suposed to be in sometime but I dont tend to buy the magazine as I hate football lol
  5. plus I drive A fiat cinquento...which barley fits the dog in never mind a fish tank lmao
  6. I shall be there with the mutt, It has been disapionting in the past (according to my fella ive only ever been to one gamefair and that was selby two years ago so have nothing to compare to) but hey ho its a day out if nothing else
  7. hahah well I supose I did celevrate cleavage day so i supose its a must to celebrate get naked day lmao.....although I doubt there will be anyone of a ethnic minority about
  8. simply disgraceful....go and post a dead pigeon through the bitches letter box watch the c**t squirm
  9. would cost me more than its worth in fuel I think these days
  10. god this is mad....I would be the daft bugger that would believe him when he could turn off the line. Scary stuff, thank you for the warning
  11. as said above, so many great great hints I dont have time read them all. My personal pet hate is dont slam gates or car doors, sends the rabbits running also (if it hasn't been said above already) take note of the wind direction and make sure that it doesnt carry your sent and in general take notice of your surroundings. Best of luck and hope to hear how you get on soon.
  12. hahah....i hope so as my dog does look rather awsome if I do say so myself pmsl lmao
  13. I dont , use a custom made leather slip lead, one of them button ones (dont have a clue what the name for em is lol) Simple they can catch on a fence/branch/wire.And break a dogs neck.atb. Catcher but the dog is mostly on the lead when wearing a harness as it is running next to the bike, nor will the dog generally run off without being told and will call off....i supose that could happen if your dog was craply trained Sorry dident know it was for to run along a bike.My dogs work in the field.atb. my dog also runs in the field....but can also run three miles flat ou
  14. I dont , use a custom made leather slip lead, one of them button ones (dont have a clue what the name for em is lol) Simple they can catch on a fence/branch/wire.And break a dogs neck.atb. Catcher but the dog is mostly on the lead when wearing a harness as it is running next to the bike, nor will the dog generally run off without being told and will call off....i supose that could happen if your dog was craply trained Sorry dident know it was for to run along a bike.My dogs work in the field.atb. my dog also runs in the field....but can also run three miles flat ou
  15. wow thats really well done, if you dont mind me asking who did it?
  16. what is the reason for introducing this? Other than to take peoples money. It isnt going to help the people who shouldnt own/ cant control there dogs
  17. I dont , use a custom made leather slip lead, one of them button ones (dont have a clue what the name for em is lol) Simple they can catch on a fence/branch/wire.And break a dogs neck.atb. Catcher but the dog is mostly on the lead when wearing a harness as it is running next to the bike, nor will the dog generally run off without being told and will call off....i supose that could happen if your dog was craply trained Sorry dident know it was for to run along a bike.My dogs work in the field.atb. my dog also runs in the field....but can also run three miles flat ou
  18. the dog can still be kept fit you know...if that dog isnt healthy then I dont know what is, weather it is on or off season a dog should have atleast a hours walk today and thats what she is getting as that is what any dog deserves. As I have said before and I shall say again some people do hunt out of season you know!
  19. think this thread seems to turn in to one of these . Why does this seem to be "lets point out every fault on JPT's dog"
  20. I dont , use a custom made leather slip lead, one of them button ones (dont have a clue what the name for em is lol) Simple they can catch on a fence/branch/wire.And break a dogs neck.atb. Catcher but the dog is mostly on the lead when wearing a harness as it is running next to the bike, nor will the dog generally run off without being told and will call off....i supose that could happen if your dog was craply trained
  21. no i dont think so it was more straight along the edge of the wings...although i did just catch a brief glimps as I was on the phone
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