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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. haha i new that was coming ......and if you dont believe me "FSH" i did my back from being throughn off a horse too many times with out wearing a body protector (best one was two summersaults and landing on one knee very OUCH) and have the scars to proove it from coming off on a road, but being stooped over and digging gave me hell but with lamping you dont have to be stooped over jess (my lurcher) puts the rabbit in my hand every time and the terrier is used for the occasional dig and loves to just run about being her happy little self so these days i have only the occasional back ache which
  2. woz proposes "ban all big arse women on horses" who agrees
  3. im not even going to read the rest. what will you think of next.. "my dog grew wings and flew away, ive looked in all the rescue centers and cant find her" or "my terriers have booked a holiday to russia for a hare coursing holiday, now i have to go fetch them" there is no way your older than 16, YOUR A SILLY LITTLE GIRL, we all know you got to learn and FFS i hope you lean quick, do your self a favour GROW UP. wats all that abowt read her topics they explain WATS ALL THAT ABOWT any one can see she makes shit up for attention.. .... she says she scared of ferrets BUT the next
  4. was on bebo and went on a anti hunt thing and a pro had said they had seen this poster as they went up, what to me looked like some escualtors up from a underground train station....you can comment on it......how are they aloud to put this up when it is blaintantly biased? http://www.timetoconsider.co.uk/
  5. well i have over much time on my hands at the moment so fancie trying somthing new i already have 3 ducks and a drake, and the 3 ducks lay every day so we got alot of eggs and mr drake has relised its spring, shal we say, so thought i might have a go at incubating some of there eggs then moving on to some chickens...you know what i mean just want to know is it a case of putting the eggs in a incubator and turning them everyday (how often do you turn them and how much?) or is there more to it....just need to know pretty much everything on them also can anyone recomend a site to get
  6. i bloody hate working weekends managed to get to one show because i got a day off, but arnt aloud to take any holidays in april,may or june....twats
  7. I had a whippet that kept knocking his tail... i put some tube bandage on it... the type you get for your fingers, and a lot of the tape to hold it on. That worked brilliantly for me. See what your vet has to say, just incase though.... the bandage doesnt work for all coz some will pull it straight off. thank you its getting better it has a little scab on the end of it now
  8. not sure if myne is a first cross or a 3/4 but here it goes anyway
  9. on the mend shes got her insulation pipe taped on , although she doesnt like that much
  10. i saw your wifes van, we parked near it so we could find the car easier
  11. this sort of non sence lets this site down
  12. oh right, but does 6 foot up from 30 foot away is that counted as upwards?
  13. couldnt even imagin somthing like that happening must be awful, does he know of any antis in the area? not pointing any fingures but if there was noone else who could have held a grudge against him then it could well be anouther stupid anti act might be worth having a postmortum done on two of them who were in diffrent kennels to see if it was the same thing
  14. bargian the fish alone are worth that
  15. not a pup but this is my colliexgrey, shes just over a year and a half
  16. it took me a while to click on that that said crow not cow was a bit confused. but im sure one of the settings on boyfriends caller he bought has crow on it, i think its legal but i would suggest looking on the defra website
  17. been working on there condition and staminer.....they just love running next to the push bike and can get twice as far in half the time jess polly polly,she had ants in her pants because she could hear a quad jess polly, abanboned the bike for a run about on the grass and polly again hope you like
  18. thanks for the advice i have the number of a local ferret resuce so may give her a rang
  19. Well who better to ask then, you have friends who seemingly are experienced dont they give you the information you need , especially on the behaviour front yes but he hasnt kept them aslong(about a year) as many people on here who have kept them for years and years....so where better to get my info from?
  20. eh what does it say in my original psot it says im starting to get hands on experience with them, im up at my mates every other day before lamping so getting used to them but will probably take me a long time i think and iam reading up on info so i know them inside out as i did with my lurcher before i got her, took me about a year of reading about them before i got one and im doing the same with the ferret thing although im still not sure they are my cup of tea
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