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Everything posted by JPTfellterrier

  1. eah shal keep a jug handy,although shoes are usually more handy , i supose its just they way they have to be but it would be nice if they did get along there are alot of people who have had dogs for many years,who have experienced lots of diffrent problems were as these two are my first, so i ask for advice from the more experienced, crime? i think not
  2. i know the feeling dip stick here sat on one when we sat down on a hill to squeek in a fox in regards to the dog, i would probably let him be, if its still bothering him in a day or two take him to the vets
  3. bet your chuffed with her/him....my lurcher did the treble flip and caught the rabbit, must have hurt but these dogs have so much drive well done to you and the dog
  4. Well I never knew that! That's something I've learned today, thanks for that. JPT, you could always leave them to it, just put your money on the little dog LOL i would put my money on the lurcher as the lurcher came out without a scratch last time and the terrier had 3 bite marks, and that quiet timid lurcher turns mental when somthing bites back lol
  5. the terrier knows im top dog she just cant except that her and the lurcher are equal....they have both had multiple, lets just say a, firm tellings off( to keep the antis on this site at bay) so even though the terrier is 3 years older than the lurcher will she still be wanting her to regurgitate food?
  6. thank you i have now got all of them except for Phosphorous and copper any ideas?
  7. need to know where the following come from in a dogs diet as computer is playing up energy protein fats Calcium Phosphorous Iron Copper Vitamin A Vitamin E Vitamin C any help would be great as im lost
  8. it usually starts from the face licking, i just dont no wether to let them settle there diffrences or break it up, not sure but the terrier has never been like this with any other dog, although there has only ever been small dogs in the house
  9. well my terrier is getting grumpier and dominent as she gets older but has never been one to start a fight what she does is stand on her back legs and lick the lurchers face then starts to growl and then it turns in to a fight, ive tryed just leaving them to get on with it but one minute they will be fine with one anouther and the next minute its world war 3, i dont trust them to be left together any more as the other day i left them outside in the yard like i usually do and i come back to find a yard splatered in blood and a terrier with a bite mark to the face, neck and gum...shes fine..
  10. looks a nice enough dog, best of luck finding him a home
  11. sam looks a nic e dog, just a few questions is he ok with kids ? does he wine when he has not got your attention like a bull terrier ? has he been cut or is he still a full dog ? I would have a good home for him he would run with a Lurcher and they would have pups next year. if he is suitableI would be willing to give you £50 if that is ok ? give me a call if you can on 07850 530730 Might be an idea to see if the dog turns out good enough to breed out of first mate, theres enough crap on the dog carrousel as it is. Hope your dog finds a good home Georgia, you should ask more for h
  12. 8 rabbits is still good nite for the bitch you can only catch whats there i supose
  13. the rabbits arnt plentiful round here but my lurchers best is 8 out of 10, havnt had her long and she is just coming up to two
  14. well you want your dog for mainly bunnys and some odd other things. my colliexgrey does that but is also very obedient...i spent ages asking the same questions, just under a year infact and ended up with my colliex
  15. my colliex is my first lurcher and she is doing me proud, hasnt seen a lond eared rabbit before tho
  16. how do you control the humidity in the brinsea?
  17. not sure how to fix it but my terrier lets of really quite loud farts and likes to sit next to me when she does them so it looks like ive done it, she also seems to become more flatulent in the car QUICK WINDOWS OPEN ASAP and they S.T.I.N.K...but she is happy....is your whippet male? that might explain somthing?
  18. my imediat thought is conjoenctevitus (cant spell i know) not sure how to treat it but watch because you can catch it from your dog
  19. my thoughts exactly,they will have some "profesional" designers,doctors,proof readers and god knows who else. if they want to premote it most people have a radio,computer or tv promote it that way and save some cash.....but im not going to keep my idea quiet as i would rather have a leaflet that can be put to one side than hear anymore about it on the tele im sure most of the population can work out how to not get the flu
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